Thirty Four

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POV: Jin
I heard somebody knock really quietly, but they didn't wait until I had replied.

We scrambled about, desperately trying to look like we didn't just have an intense make-out session, followed by some sex, but I think we failed miserably.

My boxers were on the other side of the room, even though I don't know how they ended up there, and we were both fully naked, and frankly, not in the best state, judging by looks.

My lips felt swollen from all of the kissing, and my member was still trying to heal, but so was Jimin's.

"Hurry!" I whispered to Jimin, but it was too late.

It was my mum. Fuck.

"Seokjin!" she screamed, looking at both of us with a petrified look on her face, as if she's been scarred for life, which honestly, she probably would. "What on Earth are you doing with that boy?! What the hell?!" she yelled, looking around my room.

God, what a mess it was.

Jimin sunk himself into my bedsheets, trying not to be noticed, except he was drawing more attention to himself by doing so.

"Is this your boyfriend?" she asked, pointing at Jimin, who was now buried into my bed.

"Um..." I said, trying not to be embarrassed, even though I could clearly feel my cheeks turning red.

Fuckbuddies. That's what we were.

"And who the hell are you?" she asked him, making him get up and sit properly.

"Jimin." I introduced him for her, since I knew that he still wasn't up to talking to other people just yet. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable like that- it wasn't right. I knew he wouldn't want to be talking to other people.

Especially my mum.

She looked at me with a blank expression, probably wondering why he didn't say his name on his own.

"Ah, okay," she said plainly. She wasn't happy. At all. I mean, she just caught her son being naked with a boy that can't speak, so I wouldn't blame her. "Jimin, why can't you tell me your name yourself?" she questioned him, raising one eyebrow.

"He's mute, mum. He only talks to me, because he loves me and I love him back," I said, looking at my mum in the eye. "I'm gay, mum."

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