Pressing Questions

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Sarabi lowered down beside her best friend and licked her cheek. "How have you been? It's been a bit since I've seen you."

Sarafina's eyes glowed as she flicked her tail over Sarabi's back. "I've been great. Nala really's growing! She's becoming quite a pawful and she is becoming more and more difficult to manage. However I suppose I could expect that, from a lion cub."

Sarabi squeezed her eyes shut as she laughed. "Simba is the same way. I paw him off to his father now as they patrol to the watering whole." She rolled her eyes. "He already thinks he's king."

"I'm going to get you," yowled Simba as he reared on his hind legs before throwing himself onto Nala's back. Nala chuckled and turned to throw him off gently. He landed on his back before rising to his paws and scrambling forward.

"I wish I could do that sometimes," sighed Sarafina as she watched her daughter bound around with Simba. "Perhaps she wishes she had a father too."

"Has she ever asked," Sarabi pressed as her eyes gleamed.

Sarafina shook her head vigorously. "Probably because she hasn't seen any lions with their fathers. That's why for now I didn't want her knowing about Mufasa."

Sarabi nodded in understanding although she disagreed. The sooner Nala knew that other lions had fathers the better. She wouldn't resent her mother, as much. "She'll find out sometime and are you ready for the questions?"

Sarafina lowered her head on her paws and sighed heavily. The fur along her shoulders began to bristle and Sarabi was worried she had chewed on her friend's nerves. "I suppose. I'm sure she'll be fine with it. It will just be another excuse for her to be stronger than other lions despite her life."

"Agreed," murmured Sarabi as she began to groom Sarafina's fur. Sarafina purred in enjoyment and began to groom Sarabi in turn. This was how friends should be like. However Sarabi knew that it couldn't be like forever.

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