Her name is...............

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Travis POV
"How about Bella?" She says. " I think Bella is perfect." I say. She's cringy of joy and I'm so happy for her and I'm glad she loves her present. We play with Bella for awhile  and she's out. Aph laughs and we head to bed.
3 am
Aphs POV
I woke up at 3 am due to Bella, I'm exhausted. I take her out and I Bing her back in, I hear footsteps on the floor above me. " Aph what are you doing awake." He whispers to me sleepily. " oh I don't know I'm just taking care of the dog you gave me." I snap back because I'm tired. I realized what I said," I'm sorry Travis I love her and you but I'm just tired I didn't mean it. " he comes down the stairs and hugs me," it's alright it'll be worth it in the end." He says kissing my cheek. I kissed him and he kissed back, in the middle of the kiss something licks our faces. " Cmon Bella that was my moment." Travis complains as she understands what he's saying. She turns her head and I giggle because it looks like she is confused. " You guys are adorable." I smile at my, family. I pet Bella and she licks my face, " hahaha Bella you have the best kisses." I laugh. " What am I then CHOP LIVER." Travis complains. I kiss him," Your the best kisser." He smiles. Bella runs around a bit and she falls asleep because she's a puppy. " Goodnight Bella." Travis and I smile and head upstairs. We fall asleep.

You're,all I've wanted ~ A Travmau  FF.   CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now