Chapter Ten- Let's Go To The Mall

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As soon as Rey had taken off her costume and Phasama had taken out her pearls and such she grabbed a makeup wipe and ran off . Avoiding Ben at all costs .

Things were going good until she was trying to open the door to her car. "You need some help Rey ?" She turned and saw Ben , now in basketball shorts and a white shirt that clung to his chest tightly .

"No I'm fine " she then began to tug at the car door .

Ben grabbed her keys and clicked the unlocked button . "You didn't unlock it Rey " he smiled .

"Yeah ... It's been a long day... See you " she quickly drove off.
She couldn't go home , she just needed to clear her head of Ben .

Thinking of how he kissed her , how passionate he was. His lips were so soft and perfect , better than any boy she had ever kissed.

Their kiss was the perfect combination of sweet and power. He was demanding but considerate . He kissed harshly yet softly . He scared her yet kept her save .

Her head was spinning , she knew if she didn't park soon she'd get lost in her thoughts and crash.

She walked into the mall, grabbed the most stress relieving tea at Starbucks and put her earbuds in . She played instrumental versions of her favorite songs .

She was dizzy and felt like she weighed nothing but the world was all on her shoulders.

She had her debt card with her , all the money she had from her summer job and the fact that her father made too much money as a plastic surgeon.

She went into the Disney store , some where she never went and began to look around . There were tons of plushes and stuff . She walked to the princess section , looking wth the phone cases and then it landed her in the Indiana Jones section .

She saw a shirt with a picture of Han and when she blinked she saw Ben were Han was . She shook her head and walked over to the Finding Dory section.

"Rey ?" She turned and saw Finn there with his little brother , who was looking at all the toys .

"Hey" she said .

"You okay ?" He asked strapping Freddie in his stroller .

"I'm okay ... You ?" She asked .

"Babysitting... I need a car" he said and then the baby laughed .
"You wanna hang out with us ... You look like you could use a friend" he said .

"Yeah Finn..." She said . They two walked in the mall , with little Freddie in his stroller , playing with a teddy bear.

"So ... What's wrong with you ? You're all ... on edge " he said.

"I just have a lot on my mind ... That's all" she shook her head .

"Rey ... We may not be as close as we used to be but I know you Rey ... I know you better than Poe probably does .. What's wrong?" He asked .

Rey sighed "I like a boy" she said .

"So ? You've liked boys before ... There was Owen , and Marcus and Jack and David -"

"I just started liking him ... And I'm so lost" Rey sighed .

"When did you start liking him ?"

"About three hours ago and I'm head over heels" she then groaned .

"Rey ! Who is it ?" He asked z

"Swear you won't tell him ... Or Poe ! You can't tell Poe , Poe would kill me and kill him even if he didn't like me back which he doesn't" she said .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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