ch. 1

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Since this is a book, I'm changing little Kailee to Landon, lol. And it's going to start at the beginning when Scott had a girlfriend.


Kaylin: hey babe. My parents aren't home! ;)

Scott: yea?
Scott: I've got hw to do.

Kaylin: u could do me instead? ;)

Scott: are u drunk? wth.

Kaylin: ur no fun anymore Scotty.

Scott: sorry to disappoint...


Scott was lying to Kaylin. He finished his homework. He just didn't want to see her. He could feel himself growing apart from her. He definitely knew why but he didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to be an outcast. His life was normal. He was the captain of the volleyball team at Arlington High, he had the girl everyone wanted, he was the nice popular guy. He was living the life every junior wanted to live, he couldn't ruin that by coming out. That would kill his popularity. The only kid that was out was some random loser who got picked on everyday from the football team and volleyball team. Scott didn't want that.

On Monday he'd have to face Kaylin. He'd have no choice than to tell her. He had to stop lying to himself and to her.

Scott sighed and stared at his ceiling... He had two days to prepare.


Monday rolled around too quickly. He wasn't ready. Scott stood at his locker, rubbing his sweaty palms against his grey joggers. He felt sick.

"Scotty.." Kaylin said as she came up behind Scott, scaring him. "Geez. You scared the shit outta me!" Scott said as he gripped his chest. "We need to talk." She straight up said. Uh-oh, Scott thought, did she know? He followed her into an empty room and sat down at a desk, "What is it?" He asked, nervously biting the inside of his cheek, "I found out something." Kaylin said. Scott's stomach dropped, he knew it was about him. "I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you today. I really was. Its not that I don't love you, I do... Just not in the way I thought..." Kaylin scrunched her brows together in confusion, "Scott what are you talking about?" "What are you talking about?" He replied.

"I'm pregnant..." "W-What?" Scott asked.

He felt his world slowly fall apart.

"Scott. I'm sorry. I-I found out Saturday night. M-My mom took me to get tested and-" "You're pregnant." Scott finished. "I-I'm gonna be a father." Kaylin just nodded with the tears falling from her eyes. "Kaylin, I don't know about this." "Is this because what you had to tell me..?" "Yeah." Scott said and looked down to the floor. "Wh-What is it Scotty?" She asked, Scott shook his head. "Scott. Tell. Me!" "I'm.. I'm gay." He said, the words barely audible.

"Scott. No. What? You're lying? P-Please tell me you're lying?" Kaylin said, in denial about the confession. The slow tears turned into full on sobbing, "W-What are we supposed to do?" Kaylin asked, hiccuping occasionally, "I gr-graduate this year! I-I am going to Colombia! I can't do t-this." She collapsed onto a chair next to Scott. "We'll get through this. We will." Scott comforted his now ex-girlfriend.


6 months later, Scott and Kaylin distanced themselves. They were no longer dating and their relationship with each other fizzled. Rumours spread about Kaylin cheating or how she got pregnant to make Scott stay with her. Every situation made Kaylin the bad guy, which was not true. No one was the bad guy.

"So I heard you got accepted into NYU and Berkeley." Scott said as Kaylin sat down across from him at the lunch table. "Yeah. But I can't go. I'm going to be at a community college, working at some fast food place, raising a child." She said, throwing Scott for a loop. "Whoa, whoa. What am I? A grilled cheese sandwich? I'm here for you!" Scott told her. "You'll still be here. That's not helping me." She replied. The sentence lingering in the air. Scott was no help.


Graduation was coming up and so was Kaylin's due date. Each day, passing by making both teens anxious.

"I feel like I have all these butterflies in my stomach." Kaylin admitted, "At first I wasn't too thrilled about having a baby but I can see us being amazing parents."

"Its not butterflies, it's called a baby. And I think we'll be great parents." Scott agreed. Kaylin just rolled her eyes at Scott.


Though, before Kaylin could walk across the stage to receive her diploma, her water broke. Her family and Scott's family all rushed to the emergency room that night to await the birth of their child. Minutes turned into long hours. Labor was a long process.

5 hours upon arriving, Kaylin was fully dilated. Their baby boy was coming.

Kaylin pushed through the pain, she pushed through the tears, she squeezed poor Scott's hand.

She did it.

Once the teens heard that cry, they knew they were forever linked together. This was their special gift.

The baby was cleaned and swaddled in a nursing blanket then handed to the mother. "What shall you name him?" A nurse asked, so they could get the birth certificate ready. "Landon... It means long hill or ridge... Just to show the long and rocky journey we faced to get here to this beautiful view." Kaylin said as she looked down at the precious bundle of joy in her arms.

"We can do this." Scott said then placed a light kiss on Landon's forehead.


Can we say finally? I know I said I'd only post this book once I had ALL the chapters complete. Yeah... That won't happen lol. I've had this in my drafts for months now and decided to finish up this chapter at least and see where it takes me.

Hope it was good lol ❤️️

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