ch. 3

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"How could she do this?" Scott yelled as he paced the floor in his kitchen. "She lied to me! She said she was moving into a house to accommodate Landon."

"Maybe she had a good reason sweetheart." Scott's mom tried to reason with him. "No! She can't do this! I still have to finish school! How am I gonna juggle a kid and school!? This is my senior year, mom!" Scott said as he stood in front of his mother on the verge of tears.

"We were supposed to do this together. I can't do this alone, mom..." Scott said finally breaking composure and sobbed into his mothers shoulder.


Throughout the summer Scott's parents took a great deal of pressure off of Scott while he prepared himself for his senior year.

He found a job that would help him as well as his parents with caring for Landon. He did his Advanced Placement work so he could be ahead and he chose to take a summer course to have a shortened schedule to have time to care for his child and give his parents a break.

"Are you ready for your first day?" Rick asked his son. "I'm not sure... The students there are different than at Arlington." Scott admit.

Due to the lack of room for a child and the growing amount of baby items, Scott and his family had to move. Meaning a new house, new neighborhood, new school, new life.

"Would you like me to drive you?" Rick offered, Scott only shook his head. He didn't need the embarrassment. "I'll drive. That way I can pick up Landon from the sitter." Scott said as he grabbed an apple for his breakfast. "Okay son. Enjoy your first day." Rick said with a pat on the shoulder then watched Scott exit through he front door.

Once Scott was in the car he had to give himself a pep talk. He honestly didn't know what to expect from his peers. He'd only seen how they interacted at school games since it is Arlington's rival school.

He looked into the rear view mirror and took a deep breath, it was either leave now or risk being late on the first day.

He pulled off and made his way down the road to his new school...


Martin High School. A new beginning.

Scott entered the main office to confirm his schedule and to tell them his circumstances and to fill out an emergency card. As he left he saw students pouring through each school entrance in awe. These students were more flashy. They flaunted what they had and strutted down the halls.

"Whoa." He breathed out.

"Watch it loser!" He heard before he felt his body being collided with the wooden door he had just left out of. Someone had pushed him, that he was sure of.

He looked to see who had done it, but all he could see was a tiny brunette boy with a side bang. That couldn't have been the person. Could it?

"Something the matter String bean? Got a staring issue?" The tiny boy sasses as he placed a hand in his hip. This seemed to catch other students attention. They stopped to spectate the situation that was occurring between the new kid and their resident hot shot. "Cat got your tongue? Or are you a fucking mute?" A few kids snickered at the sassy boy for saying that.

"I-I'm new. I didn't mean to cause problems." Scott stuttered out. Where the hell did his confidence go to? He was the one who ran the school. He was the popular guy everyone loved because he was so kind... He was nothing like this boy in front of him.

"He keeps staring Mitchy." Another boy said from beside the tiny one.

Where had he come from? Scott thought.

"He's a weirdo. Let's just go." Tiny, sassy boy said then left with his friends that magically appeared since Scott had zoned out.

Once 'Mitchy' left so did other students that were in the hallway watching.

"I need to get to class." Scott said and made his way in the opposite direction.


Everything was going smoothly until he entered his history class. There he saw the two boys from earlier seated by each other and a blonde girl who was standing next to their table. He kept his head hung low so he wouldn't be spotted as he walked on by the group.

"Not so fast bean stalk. You still haven't apologized for earlier." Sassy pants said as he held up an arm blocking Scott's path.

"I don't need to, you pushed me!" Scott said, rolling his eyes. "Did he just talk back to you Smitchy?" The blonde girl said in utter disbelief.

"It's okay Kirst.. He'll learn the rules around here soon enough." Said sassy pants to blonde, then he turned back to Scott, "Apologize then you are dismissed."

"Are you serious?" Scott exclaimed.

"Seats! Seats, everyone. You included Mr. Hoying." The teacher announced once she came in the room.

"This isn't over loser boy. But for now, get out of my presence albino brows."


This book is moving fast! It's only a short book but this is still only the start of something new lol.

Hope you enjoy...

Daddy DearestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant