ch. 2

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Everything was great. Everything was how it should be... Right?

One could only hope... It had been a full month since baby Landon entered Scott and Kaylin's lives. Things were rapidly changing and no one had could adjust to the pace. Kaylin was juggling a newborn as well as preparing for college.

She had been accepted into her top choice college, Colombia. This was her getaway. She had believed Scott at first, about having a baby. She thought it would be okay, but it wasn't. Kaylin didn't like being tied down. She didn't like the responsibilities that parenthood came with. She definitely did not want to be attached to Scott any longer. Yeah, he was a fit father to Landon, but he was not her boyfriend anymore or her husband and he'd never be.

"Kaylin. This boy loves Landon. What is he supposed to do if you're in not here. Landon will need both parents." Kaylin's mother said, offering her help.

"Well, Scott can find him an adoptive family! Don't make me the bad guy! I was the one who carried him for nine months! I was the one who had to change everything! Well not anymore. I'm going to Colombia. That's final." Kaylin said with determination lacing her voice. "Okay." Her mother said, "We'll go as well..."



Scott walked up to the school corridors and waited to enter. He hadn't seen his friends since his child was born. They always had invited him to parties, but he had matured. Parties weren't his thing anymore. Having a child made him grow up way too fast for his liking. So he decided to go out and have a friendly game of volleyball with his old team. Ever since school let out they'd met and had a match that Scott missed. He didn't know if he's be any good now.

He walked through the building and to the gymnasium where he heard feet thumping around the wooden floors.

"Spike the ball Dylan!" Scott yelled as the ball was hit over the net by Tyler and headed towards Dylan's face.

"Good call captain." Another teammate shouted out as they all disregarded the game and huddled up around Scott. "Hey man, how's the parent life going?" One boy said, "You look like complete and utter shit, Hoying." Another added.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here to kick ass, not discuss Landon." Scott teased and the boys dispersed into teams. Scott chose a side and the game began.


After he spent half the day with his friends he decided it was time to go home. On his way home he passed by Kaylin's house to see that there were a bunch of household items in the trash. He went up to the door and knocked until the door swung open. "Yes?" Kaylin said, crossing her arms. "What's all this stuff on the sidewalk?" Scott questioned.

"Getting rid of some stuff. We're moving ya know... To have more space for Landy." She lied. She had no clue how to tell Scott she'd be leaving next week. As long as he kept Landon, she could escape without a trace. Hopefully anyways.

"Sounds cool. So, I'll get him next week right?" Scott asked. He wanted to make sure he got to spend time with his baby boy. "Of course Scotty. See you when I drop him off." Kaylin said as she slammed the door in his face. Scott stood there dumbfounded. A gust of air from the powerful swing sprung him from his trance and he made his way to his home.

He couldn't quite get rid of the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

"Hey sweetie. How was your day out?" Scott's mom asked once she saw her son enter the kitchen. "My team won, of course." Scott chuckled. "Something is perplexing you." Connie said as she set down her oven mitts and stood by her only son, "What the matter?" She asked.

"I-I feel like Kaylin is hiding something from me. I don't know why... Its only a feeling though." Scott admit. "Maybe you should talk to her." Connie suggested.

"Or not. She slammed the door in my face. I think I got the hint not to ask when I was slapped by all the air that came flying at me." Scott protested. Connie just gave him a motherly look he knew all too well. Scott sighed, "Fine. I'll ask her when she drops off Lando next week."


He didn't ask her about anything when the time came. He let her slide. He knew he should have but he didn't fight harder...

If only he knew.

Kaylin had majority of her belongings packed. She had a flight that night to New York so she could get used to being on campus. And besides, she'd be a freshman. They were told to come a week earlier anyways.

If only he knew...

Scott was in the middle of dinner when he realized that he didn't have enough of Landon's necessities in his house. He knew Kaylin would have some and it beat heading to the store. He asked his parents if they could keep an eye on the one month old so he could get what he needed. The obliged and he went on his way.

The walk was short and he made just in time to see a car driving away. He looked in the yard...

For sale? He thought, She's leaving him with me.

She's gone.

Daddy DearestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant