ch. 6

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This was only supposed to be a few chapters, so yes things are moving fast... I'm trying to make it to 10 chapters but it may be less, I'm not quite sure yet.


The next few meetings with Scott went a bit better. For one, the baby wasn't there... Just Scott and I. Me and Scott. Alone. Together.

Cue the awkwardness.

"Soo, uh, your girlfriend doesn't mind you spending all your time over here?" I ask subtly. "Huh? Girlfriend?" Scott said,  "So, I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend..." I asked. "Yeah, neither do you." He jokes, "Because I'm gay." Duh. He just started laughing, "Wait. You're gay?" I ask, shocked. Whoa.

"Shocker?" He asked.

"A little bit." I admit.

"Why did you ask? See something you like?" He said as he turned to smirk at me with an invisible eyebrow raised. "Not even. Remember who you are and who I am." I say reminding him that he's still beneath me. "Only at school." He spits out.

That got me... It was true.

No one was here. They wouldn't know.

I looked at him, the smirk still evident on his face... You know what Grassi, fuck what your friends think. Hoying is sexy. I practically leaped on top of him. Its actually quite embarrassing.


"We don't talk of this Hoying." I say as I watch him get dressed. "Wouldn't plan on ruining your precious reputation, Grassi." Scott said as he rolled his eyes. He was gathering his work and stuffing it in his bag, "Scott..." "Why are you so caught up with status? What is there to gain?" He asked before I could get any other words out.

I honestly didn't know how to answer him. Popularity didn't come easy. I had to climb to the top.

"I was bullied all through elementary and junior high school. I didn't want to be that little boy that got walked all over anymore. So I changed." He wouldn't understand.

"So you bully me because you got bullied?" He questioned.

"I-I'm sorry Scott. I really didn't give you a chance, huh"

"Not one." Scott replied before his phone chimed, alerting him he had a text. He read it then grabbed his bag from my bed. "See you at school... Grassi." He said then left.


The next day, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I knew what was under those clothes. We actually did that last night. I knew what he looked like being in bliss... I caused it.. Geez, is it getting hot in here?

"Mitch. Dude. You look like you want to pounce on him!" Travis said interrupting my thoughts causing me to blush. I did. Believe me I did. "Ew. No. Never. That lame ass." I huffed and rolled my eyes, turning my attention back on the lesson. I could've sworn I heard Scott chuckling after I got caught.

Once class was over, and lunch began I sat at the table no one dared to sit at besides the other nerds and weirdos...

Scott's table.

I felt my friends eyes follow me all the way to the table. I took a deep breath, ignoring them.

"Are you lost?" A black guy asks. I think his name was Kevin. Yeah, definitely Kevin. I cheated off of him in Chemistry last year. "Nope. Move." I say. He and some green-eyed geek moved and sat across the table on either side of Scott. Scott hadn't even looked up. Probably because he knew everyone was staring at this historic moment. "Scott?"

"He knows your name bro?" The green-eyed geek whispered to Scott, making me roll my eyes.

"Scott." He still didn't look up, "Are we gonna play this game?" I didn't want to say it hurt, but it did. He was ignoring me. Was sex all he wanted?

"What game?" Kevin asked, "None of your business." I hissed. "Ohh, did you two..?" He trailed off but I knew where he was getting at. "Scott. Are you seriously gonna make me look like a dumb ass right now by trying to talk to you?" I ask, ignoring Kevin's insinuation. "You did, didn't you. That's why you won't answer me."


I got up and made a beeline to the door. Nope. Not looking like a complete idiot because of some guy. I went and sat in the handicap stall of the bathroom trying to get my life together.

I was fine. I don't even know why I'm letting Scott get to me. Obviously I'm blowing everything out of proportion. He just wanted a one night type of thing or a chance to sleep with a popular guy...

This sucks.

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