ch. 9

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I was sitting at my desk thinking about what I said to Mitch. Was it too harsh? He was still getting used to the idea of us... I know how judgmental his friends are from firsthand experience. I let out a sigh and ran my hands through my hair.

"Hey man," I looked up and saw one of my best friends, Avi, sitting at the desk in front of me, "Heard about you and Mitch coming in together today." He said. "Come to find out the truth?" I asked. "Actually I feel as if I already know the truth. Kevin and I talked about it before you got in, then when we saw him in your clothes at your locker..." Avi said.

"And what is it that you think you know?"

"That you and Mitch are most likely together. And that you overreacted a little." He said, "How do you know what was said anyways?" I questioned. He wasn't there. "Kevin heard it from his locker." Avi simply stated. "I think you should talk to him. He's never had to deal with any of this-" Avi was interrupted by a soft voice calling me from the door.

"Ah, I should head to my home room. See ya later Scott!" Avi got up and made his way passed Mitch and out the door, leaving us with some privacy since no one is ever in homeroom this early. He looked at me expectantly while he twiddled his fingers. I never knew him to be so nervous.

"You can come in ya know." I tell him. I guess he was waiting for an okay because that's when he started walking over to the seat Avi previously held. "I-I'm sorry Scotty." He said. He was sorry? Why? "W-Why?"

"For all the times Travis bullied you... All the times Kirstie called you names... All the times I messed with you. It's a horrible thing. I shouldn't have, but I did and I wish I never did because it hurts." Mitch said as a tear fell, "I never knew the affect it had on people. I-It's really something, huh. It made me feel like I was better than you, it made me feel better about myself... A-And I'm sorry. I don't know how you could willingly get into a relationship with me after the shit I did."

"Mitchy, you already apologized for this. It's okay. You changed... You became who you truly are without any influence over you."

"It still doesn't make it right." He cried out.

"Where is all of this coming from now?" I asked, confused as to why this was happening. "B-Because... The students here used to be scared of me or want to try to get in good with me. They were scared of me or wanted to be me... Now... They all are saying all kinds of things that I'm not used to. Some are mean, some a-are stupid..." Mitch sighed, "I honestly don't know how you did this for so long without breaking." He sniffled.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Who said I didn't?"

Mitch looked up at me, the pain and shock evident in his eyes, "Scotty. Oh my god. Scott! W-Why didn't-"

"I'm okay. Landon grounded me. Bullying takes a toll on you. After that thing in the auditorium..." Mitch's eyes widened. He remembered.

"I swear I had nothing to do with that." He blurred out.

"I know."

"I swear! I didn't know anything about it! I was as shocked as you were."

"Yeah... Realizing a friend you thought you had was actually Travis and his plan to air out personal business to the entire senior class. It sucked. I wanted to end my life."


"I couldn't do that to Landon though. One parent already abandoned him." I admit.

"But what if Landon wasn't here?" Mitch asked, water lining his eyes again. "Y-You wouldn't be here..."

I shook my head.

"Oh god." Mitch said as he covered his mouth and started sobbing. I got up and moved him into my lap. "But I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."

"H-How did you get over E-everything? A-All the looks and whispering?" He asked, trying not to get choked up.

"People are going to talk about you until the day you die. It's whether you choose to listen. I found my true friends, I had my family, then I had you. Once you have a reason to fight and you have people that truly care about you, nothing else matters because at the end of the day you can only live for yourself. I focus on my life while others apparently do the same."

"Will you help me stay grounded?" Mitch asked in my chest.

"Of course." I say as I kiss his hair.


Lunch rolled around pretty quickly. After Mitch and I talked earlier, he seemed to be okay with the multiple stares he was getting in the hallway when we would walk together.

Now it came down to this. Would he be able to withstand the prying eyes and hushed whispers in the lunchroom.

"You're gonna be there. I'll be okay." Mitch said as he grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Wait up!" A girl called out. We turned around to see Kirstin running towards us. Hm, that's new.

"Kirstie? What are you doing?" Mitch asked.

"I-I wanted to eat lunch with you two... If that was okay?" She asked. Mitch didn't answer.

"Mitch. You're my best friend. I don't want to lose you over something so stupid. You and Scott are cute. It's a shame I couldn't wrap my head around it Sooner." She admit.

Mitch opened his mouth to reply but my stomach growled before Mitch could answer.

He looked up at me then to Kirstie with a smile, "Let's go feed this big oaf."

The three of us walked in and all eyes were on us. Never fails.

A pair of eyes belonging to Travis glared at us but we didn't care. We got in line, easily sparking a conversation as if nothing was happening around us.

"Hey Scott, Mitch!" Kevin said as we did our bro handshake. "I see you're a trio now?" He raised an eyebrow Kirstie's way. "Ah, yeah... Looks like it'll be five of us at the table from now on." I tell him.

"Fine by me. Nice to meet you-" "Kirstie." She said as bubbly as ever.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Kirstie. I'll be over at the table with Avi so he doesn't get too lonely." Kevin joked and walked away.

"He's nice." Kirstie said with a bright smile.

Mitch and I looked at each other knowingly and snickered.

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