Chapter 15: Telling

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Shit shit shit shit shit...
"Who the fuck are you going to tell?!?"

". . ."

D-did he just ignore me?! More speed walking in silence... Awkward.

"We're here"

A boring wood door, in the office temp greatttt.
Wait a sec, isn't this-
Hanji had swung the door open, my face narrowly escaped with its life as I jumped back a bit. Levi didn't seem to be fazed.
"Heyyyy Short-Stack!! What's u- HEY!"

Levi was shoving her into her temporary office/bedroom while muttering:
And Hanji screaming:

And I just followed with a dumbfounded look and closed the door behind me. Leaving some people starring, confused.

"You're going to tell Hanji? What kind of sick circle of hell do you want to put me through?!"

". . ."

Ignored again?!?

"What are guys gonna tellllll meeeee~" she looked at us with a weird expression "lemme guess, You're dating?"

"NO" I almost screamed a blush on my face, Levi also was sporting a very unnoticed blush with a the same bored expression. Why would Hanji even think that?

"Aww you guys would be cute together. Make my otp realllllllll"
I blush even more at the thought, despite not know what a Ohh-Tee-Pea is.

"Hanji, we came to tell you something important"

"N-no Hanji we're not" she just screamed in my ear.

"I need a blood test. Wait! No, can I infect you with this? No no! Can I inject you with this?"

"Hanji, no. We need to tell Erwin."

"No way, you're going to tell our boss!?"

"It's needed if we don't and he finds out, we'll all be doomed." I state.

". . . Okay... I trust you"

"Good. I'll talk to Erwin alone while you keep an eye on [YN]. We wouldn't want for her to escape, although I doubt she would in the first place."
Levi walks out of the room with us following.

Ohhhh the little short stack of pancakes likes her~

Levi just walked into the office, he seemed a bit different when he walked in but I don't know how. We hear a thud and yelling began. I fidget in the chair that Hangi pulled up for us.

I can't believe that someone like Levi would do this for me

I look down and continue to fidget. I soon realize that I'm being watched and turn to see Hanji starring at me with a huge smile.


"Oh nothing~ you're just wayyyy cute"
"... Hmm I guess that, that rumor that "you became super mean because of all the boys annoying you." Was just a rumor."

"Yeah, actually that's a rumor that I made; to kinda cope with stress and to give a reason why I was so distant"

"Wow! That's actually really cool!"
Some silence, the yelling on the other side stopped, and I continue to fidget nervously.

Erwin slowly comes out from the door, I look up and give a weak smile which he returns to my relief. He mutters something like "I guess he's convinced me.... I guess."

"How can you prove that Levi?"
"Humph, just take a look outside the door, she wants to help, not hurt"
"Fine, I'll give her a chance but just one."
It was decided that I would join Hanji's squad for testing purposes but would be trained by Levi...I would be taken away immediately. They told me to get what things I have. I walk down the path that leads to the bunks for the last time; I open a drawer and take out some folded up notes and a strand of faded blue ribbon that has been tied into a loop. I untie the loop and retie it, tightly, onto my wrist. These are the only things I've had all this time in training and in childhood.
YN is then led to horse and escorted to the corps hq. Meanwhile, a shit ton of rumors begin to start about YN, one is that she has been jailed, another is that she's dead and they wanted to cover it up, one last one is that she snapped and went insane; of course there are some people who where reasonable and said that since she was one of the stronger ones, she transferred, but no one listened to those people, those people are boring. Some of the comments around are:
"I always knew she was different, cute and pretty somehow" 
"She was kinda strong you know, I wonder what happened to her..."
"She always seemed bipolar, happy at one point then cold the next".
"She totally snapped guys, the night  before I heard screaming coming from her room; her roommates are lucky that they didn't sleep in there that night..."
"I heard it too! She screamed bloody murder in the middle of the night!"

So on and so on.


~}( °~°)hollow

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