The Question You Forgot

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It hardly felt like sleep. When Felix shook me awake groggily, I was nearly as tired as I had been the night before. A quick glance out the window confirmed that it wasn't even dawn yet. 

"Why are you waking me up?" I groaned. Still, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"There's..." Felix yawned. "Stuff to do today, before we leave for the castle." 

I stood up slowly, stretching out and popping my back. "Alright, get up. Let's see how these clothes fit."

Guinevere's picks weren't bad, considering that she'd had to guess at our measurements. Felix's sleeves were a little too short, and my sleeves and skirts (ugh, skirts; they were so heavy and cumbersome. I hated the things) were a few inches too long. No surprise, given my ridiculous height. It looked like the waist on Felix's tunic was a bit loose, too. 

All in all, easy fixes. Gwen had done well. I made Felix stay still while I summoned a pincushion and started cinching up his waistline. 

He fidgited when I got to the pinning. "If you stick me with one of those things, I'm going to hurt you."

I stuck him on purpose, just to spite him. "Stop moving. Geez, boys are such babies."

"Why aren't you doing this with magic anyway?" 

I moved over to the other side and started pinning bits of fabric together. "The story is that we're orphans that Gwen and Lance are taking in. Having perfectly tailored clothes would be suspicious if we're supposed to be street rats."

"How do you even know how to sew?" he asked, peering down at me tiredly. "Do you even know how to sew?"

"I don't. Uriel does," I said, frowning in concentration. "She made Bae's clothes and the weird outfit that the Dark One wears in the Enchanted Forest. That was a ridiculous project, believe me. Getting that collar to stick up was a massive problem."

Felix clammed up, the way he did whenever Uri's past came up. It seemed like he was afraid to dredge up bad memories, which was kind of stupid. I lived in the present; it was just how I was. To me, memories were just that. So I kept talking as I moved from his waist to his sleeves, ripping out thread as I went.

"You're so lucky you have a hem on these. They would be a nightmare to lengthen otherwise. At least they're not leather. If the cuffs didn't fit, we would have a problem since that takes longer than dealing with linen. Oh, you're going to want to spill something on your chemise before you get to the castle to avoid looking too new. Maybe tear it a little on a tree branch." I ripped out the last seam and the fabric unfolded to the appropriate length. "Oh, good. I don't have to re-hem it."

Pietro's crystal was small enough to be strung on a chain, and my pan flute was in the necklace form it had taken in Storybrooke. I hung both chains around my neck. I wore my night clothes while I finished the alterations. Getting my own dress hemmed was tricky, but I managed it with some trial and error. I purposefully did the stitching crookedly, with Uriel whispering probable mistakes tentatively in my mind. 

Most people would, um, use a straight stitch here, even though it should be a, um, a box stitch. 

Thanks, Uri. 

N--No p--problem.

Felix cleared his throat when I finished an hour and half later. "The, um, your top seemed a little... off," he said lamely. I couldn't tell in the darkness, but it seemed like he was blushing. 

I thought about what he could be talking about before realizing the issue he'd spotted and flushing brightly myself. "Oh I, um, I didn't put on yet corset yet."

Remember Me *Book 3 Of The Remember the Rules Series*Where stories live. Discover now