The Throne You Abandoned

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(please don't hate me for this)


I stayed behind with Peter when Felix headed toward the castle around eleven, but now it was nearly noon. I wondered idly who I'd be fighting and pushed my hair out of my face.

Peter produced a bobby pin out of thin air. "May I?"

I smiled and let him pin my bangs out of my face. "We should get going."

"Of course. Wouldn't want to be late to your coronation, would we princess?" He smirked at me. 

"I'll cut you." I couldn't keep a straight face, grinning back at him. "Come on, Peter. Let's go. You have my heart, right?"

He nodded took both of my hands and kissed each of my palms once before dropping them back to my sides. "For luck. Not, of course, that you need it."

I blushed and forced myself to look annoyed. "You can't just do things like that and expect me to function properly afterward."

"Well you certainly seem to be able to sass me properly." Peter didn't look or sound sorry in the slightest. I was sure that he wasn't. "You ready?"

"Let's go," I said, letting out a breath and getting serious as the familiar green fog surrounded us. 

I didn't know quite what I was expecting, but I wasn't at all surprised when we appeared in a clearing filled with people. Arthur stood with his Knights at the front of the crowd, and Felix stood with Tommy and the Storybrooke group and a few others, staring him down with cold fury in his eyes that didn't suit him at all. I'd come to expect that look to be on his face in public though; it was the way he was supposed to be acting, after all. 

Everyone noticed our arrival. Peter had planned it that way, since we landed right in the center of the two sides, and I was still dressed in leggings (though he had given me a t-shirt, for the sake of modesty). Peter held up my heart above his head. 

"I have my champion, and she's very excited. Aren't you, love?" Peter looked at me, giving me full permission to act however I wanted. I smiled brightly and nodded without a word.

"You've brainwashed the poor girl!" Arthur sounded appalled. 

"How else was I going to make her fight?" Peter asked innocently. It was a clever tactic; he wan't actively lying, just avoiding the full truth. As if he ever needed to make me fight. "My question for you is, have you chosen yours?"

Arthur looked at me again and I gave him a little wave, doing my best crazy giggle. He looked away quickly. "After long deliberation, my Knights and I have decided that pitting a child against Camelot's best would be unsportsmanlike. We have decided, as a group, that the girl herself may pick whoever she wishes from the heroes from Storybrooke to act as Camelot's champion."

The grin on my face grew instantly more genuine, and grew until it felt like my face was splitting in two. "Emma!" I said immediately. "I want you or Killian. Figure it out."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy from last night, Louis, put a hand to his mouth. Arthur gripped his sword tightly, looking concerned. "Are you sure, Lily? This is what you want, and not... someone else?" He looked at Peter, who was standing by Felix.

Peter shook his head with a grin and held my heart to his lips. "Tell the truth, love. Who here do you want to fight the most?"

There was an immediate tug in my chest, forcing the words out of my mouth. Until this moment, even I hadn't known the answer to that.

"Killian Jones."

Emma broke my heart, sure. She'd raised my hopes to the highest they'd ever been, then brought them crashing own again. But she hadn't been the first person to do so. 

Remember Me *Book 3 Of The Remember the Rules Series*Where stories live. Discover now