The Way Back Home

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I'd recommend rereading the last chapter if you're coming from the last update. If you're a binge reader, read on!

The first thing I was aware of was the overwhelming feeling of I can't breathe.

My eyes flew open in a panic. For a second, I couldn't see a thing. I felt myself being crushed into a hug and I coughed, feeling something lodge itself in my throat and come free. When my vision cleared up a bit, all I could see was blonde hair and a blurry mass that was probably a crowd of people. I coughed harshly, a spike of pain going through my chest. Then Felix-- of course it was Felix, who else could it be? --was pulled away from me, probably by force. The blur of colors became a blur of green as I coughed, and someone rubbed circles into my back.

My hearing was the next to come back.

"--right, love. It's alright. You're alive." The pain was subsiding quickly, and the circles stopped. "Keep coughing, get all of that stuff out of your lungs."

My vision cleared enough to reveal the spatters of red on green-- grass, I realized now. I was coughing up blood. I looked up and found another, deeper green. Peter's eyes, shining with barely-concealed relief.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," he quipped. "You gave us quite a scare."

Oh, it that what happened? I wondered vaguely, coughing into the grass. Did I die? I still couldn't breathe, and I wondered if this was what drowning felt like. I gasped for air, eyes watering. The pain was gone, leaving only the feeling of suffocation in its wake.

Peter kept rubbing circles into my back and eventually, even the suffocating feeling subsided. I took a deep breath and glanced around, noticing the crowd of people still surrounding us until my eyes landed on Felix.

My eyes widened as I remembered what had happened. The knight, Felix, my instinctual jump in front of the knife meant for him. I immediately reached out and grabbed him by the shirt, patting and poking all over his torso to look for injury.

I sighed in relief when I didn't find any. "You're okay. I'm so glad."

He gripped my shoulder and nodded, looking beyond relieved, but didn't say anything. The next person to speak was Killian, unsurprisingly. 

"You died, and that's all you have to say? Are you insane?"

I looked at him and blinked. "Yes. Is this news?"

He didn't seem to know what to say, and neither did anyone else. I supposed I couldn't blame them, having just seen me dead and then suddenly not dead. I vaguely wondered if the concept of zombies existed in Camelot. There was a similar idea back in the enchanted forest, but necromancy was frowned upon. Was necromancy a thing here? It didn't seem like anyone knew magic except for the LeFays, so maybe I needed to ask them at some point before we went home. Was whatever Peter and Felix had done considered necromancy? I didn't exactly know the specifics, but something told me it was probably a grey area. I wondered if--

Arthur interrupted my train of thought, speaking obnoxiously. "As if I would allow my kingdom to fall into the hands of the criminally insane. Your claim to the throne is null and void." 

There was an uproar at that, but I silenced it with a wave of my hand. No magic. No power. Everyone just seemed to be in awe of their new queen. 

"You're an idiot," I said simply. "I can't even believe we're related."

He spluttered, sounding more and more offended by the second. I briefly considered letting him stand there and make a fool of himself, but I really just wanted to go home. 

Remember Me *Book 3 Of The Remember the Rules Series*Where stories live. Discover now