The Ones You Watched Over

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This is not what I thought he meant by that, I thought irritably, raising my skirts (ugh, skirts) to get over a particularly large branch.

Pan walked beside me, totally unseen by Felix. He apparently figured out the spell that the Dark One had cast on us in Storybrooke, making himself totally unnoticed by anyone. Well, anyone except me, apparently. I'd already been affected and broken the spell, so it seemed that I was immune.


He seemed pretty amused by it too, deciding to stick by me all day just for the hell of it. I couldn't count the ways that he could make better use of his time, but he was the game master now. What he said went, whether I liked it or not. Even if I was pretty sure that Jo and Diana would be having distinctly female discussions with me later that I would rather he not be a part of, or if there were parts of the castle that Felix and I hadn't covered yet, or if he could use this time to get information on Arthur or the others. Pan's word was law.

"This is so weird," Felix said quietly, as we walked up to the passage that would take us to the castle. "I know he's there, but I'm not noticing him at all."

"That's the point," I shrugged. "But if he touches you, you'll be able to see him."

We stopped outside of the entrance to the underground passage. I looked down into the darkness, my nightmare flashing through my mind again. My heart raced in remembered fear.

"Yeah, no. We're not doing this." I magicked us into Diana's room with a single thought and a puff for blue fog. Felix glanced at me out the corner of his eye, but said nothing.

Diana, on the other hand, was slightly put off. "What the...? Where did you two come from?"

"We're not really here," I said blandly, raising an eyebrow. "He's a figment of your imagination. I'm your conscience. How are you? It's been a while since we've really talked."

Felix snorted, but Pan looked unimpressed. "This is the best assassin in her country? I'm underwhelmed."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't have much of a conscience, Your Highness."

I glared at her. "What have I said about that?"

"Frankly, Your Highness, I don't give a damn."

I huffed, but didn't want to fight a losing battle. "Ridiculous," I muttered.

Someone knocked at the door. Diana called to let them know that the door was unlocked. When it opened, Guinevere, Lancelot, Kay, and Joanna filed in. The looks on their faces immediately turned to surprise when they saw Felix and I.

Kay's jaw dropped. "How did you--"

"Ma-a-gic," I singsonged. I glanced at Guinevere unapologetically. "We won't be taking the tunnels anymore."

"May I ask why?"

My jaw clenched as I remembered the crushing darkness that, for a day or two, hadn't been such an issue. Revealing two debilitating phobias was about the dumbest thing I could do, even if it would give them a clearer picture. It wasn't necessary for them to know. "You can ask."

Felix laid a hand on my shoulder and addressed Gwen. "Just go with it and trust me when I say that this isn't a battle you want to have."

"Okay," she said surprisingly easily.

"There's something else," Peter muttered. He walked up to Gwen and did what I used to do as Rosalie. "Tell her what you're hiding," he suggested.

Guinevere looked unsure for a split second before she settled on a decision. "There's something I have to tell you anyway."

Remember Me *Book 3 Of The Remember the Rules Series*Where stories live. Discover now