The Boy You Loved

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A/N: This is no longer canon compliant because canon killed Peter TWICE and canon SUCKS for that. That is all. This has been a PSA from Sadie Briar.

Felix came out of our room in the morning, yawning. I hardly noticed, mind still racing. My eyes hadn't left the board since he'd gone to bed the night before, flicking across the pieces over and over again. I'd gone over scenario after scenario, possibility after possibility, and Rosalie still went back and forth with me over new strategies.

But if we do that, then we'll end up sacrificing Tommy.

"But what are the chances of Arthur killing him in this case?" I muttered. "I mean, it would be hard to trace our actions to him, so he might just throw him in the dungeon or something."

Rose thought about it. Well, we know he's obsessed with that riddle, and having Felix do that would distract him. From all we've heard, that would be...

"Really stupid," I finished. "It would be more likely for him to kill Tommy then. Okay, scrap that plan."

I jumped in shock when Felix laid a hand on my shoulder. "Have you even moved since last night?"

I leaned unconsciously into him. "We're on a deadline," I said instead of answering. I blinked at the pieces, the white knight catching my eye. "What if we--"

You'll have a high chance of sacrificing Kay for minimal advantage if you do that, Rose said immediately.

I sighed. "Okay, scrap that one too."

You already know which plan we should go with to get maximum information. You just don't want to deal with it.

"That's because it's dangerous as hell," I snapped.

"I'm not going to be able to convince you to take a nap before we leave, am I?" I shook my head, and he sighed. "I thought as much. Tommy should be up soon, so we can head out after breakfast. Which you are eating, don't even try with me."

I didn't. I couldn't deny being hungry, so I sat still and didn't complain when Felix put a plate of fruit, cheese, and bread between us.

He squeezed my shoulder. "Maybe you should get to sleep. You've been up for nearly two days."

I waved him off. "I'm fine. Rosalie is just being a cold-hearted witch."

Which one of us is the witch again? she snarked. I'm just being logical.

"I'd like to put it on record that I'm against this," I muttered.


I looked at Felix. "We have a plan."

I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like-- My mind's eye showed Uriel in a dark corner (the furthest corner from the door in the closet we lived in with the Dark One, my memory supplied helpfully), curled into herself as tightly as possible. She muttered the same words over and over, nearly shaking in terror. She'd been like this since the idea had been brought up hours ago; nothing Rose or I said helped, so we put it on the backburner as a separate issue. Truthfully, I understood some of her fear, but it didn't affect me to the same extent. So I tried my best to tune out Uri's terrified rambling.

Eventually, Tommy came out of his room and ate his own breakfast. He avoided my eyes as best as he could, which I was okay with. I may have been trying to pretend that my breakdown yesterday hadn't happened, but the fact remained that it had, and there was nothing I could do to change the fact that he'd been there for it.

Remember Me *Book 3 Of The Remember the Rules Series*Where stories live. Discover now