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Eli looked at Christian, she thought she would be guarding someone less important. Someone who wasn't the last remaining of a royal family. "Christian this is Eli, she will be like your guardian. The same as Rose and Princess Vasilissa" Dimitri explained. Eli stood, stone faced, like normal. Her arms were crossed over her body and she stood in a fighting stance.

Eli followed Christian as they walked out of the gym. She wasn't used to being near people she wasn't sparring with, or that she at least knew a little like Rose. Basically she was only used to being around Dhampir. Christian looked behind himself to see her. "So you're just gonna follow me" he asked turning around and walking backwards to see her. Eli nodded. "Do you speak" he asked. She nodded. "You're not the talkative type are you" he asked. She shook her head. "There's no point if no one hears you. I let my fists do the talking" she said. They were halfway across the quad when she heard a noise, her body went stiff. "Get inside" she said. "What" he questioned. Eli grabbed his wrist. "Run" she said and started running, pulling him behind her. She opened the door and pulled him in, just before what made the noise came in sight. Fortunately a guardian was walking by, on patrol. "Strigoi, outside" she said. She looked over to Christian, who was out of breath. "You Moroi don't really exercise do you" she asked, not out of breath in the slightest. She heard the alarm go off. "Let's get away from the door" she said. She walked down the hall with him. "Next time I say get inside, you run to the nearest door, don't question it, do you know how close you were to getting killed" Eli ranted. "As close as you were" he said. "You're wrong. I know how to fight. I may not have a stake but I could hold him off long enough for the alarm to go off and guardians to come, long enough for you to get to a safe place" she said.

After the Strigoi fiasco, the night went off without a hitch. Their classes were over, so a lot of people were outside on the quad. Eli sat out there, in the moonlight. She told Christian where she would be. She laid down and closed her eyes for a minute, imagining it was day time. She could sense something was near her, similar to how you feel when you think you're being watched. She opened her eyes to see two Moroi's. She didn't know their names, she just knew they weren't Dhampir. She stood up and took her fighting stance, arms crossed. "Don't worry, we only bite a little" the blond one said. They started circling her, like vultures. "We heard that you're little miss virgin. That you're super pure" the brunette said. "We also heard that no Moroi has been able to tame the beast" the blond one said. "So that's what they refer to me as now, the beast" she asked. They ignored her remarks. "So that's what we are going to do" he continued and grabbed her wrist. She knew it wasn't worth it to fight them, she would only get herself in trouble. The brunette grabbed her other wrist. "Let go of me" Eli murmured. "Oh she speaks, did you know that Dawson" the blond asked. "Sure didn't Vincent" the brunette answered. "Oh so your names are Dawson and Vincent, good I like to know who I'm killing" she said. Dawson bared his fangs at her. "Oh I'm so scared" Eli said and rolled her eyes. "You should be" Vincent said, close to her ear, he sunk his fangs into her neck. 'How can they do this, in plain sight' she thought to herself. She never thought it would escalate to this. She felt another pair of fangs go in the other side of her neck. She went weak in the knees, being drained of the thing she preferred to stay inside her body. She tried to fight them off but she was dizzy. She didn't feel the same effects everyone did when they were bitten, she knew it was wrong so she tricked herself into hating the feeling. She fell to the ground and she felt something warm around her, like fire. She opened her eyes a little to see the two guys on fire. She tried sitting up, from where she was sprawled out on the grass. She saw someone kneel down to her, through the small slit between her eyelids. A hand went behind her head to lift her head up a little. She saw Christian's face. There was blood running down her neck from the fang marks. She closed her eyes before she heard yelling, loud yelling with a Russian accent. Soon she was out.

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