Dead Bond

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A/N: I know I haven't updated in a while but I will try to update at least once a week from now on. I'm going to start doing dedications for each chapter so if you want a chapter dedicated to you, leave a comment down below!

Eli entered her first period class and sat down. Her hair was a mess, she looked like she hadn't slept in days and her clothes were wrinkled. Her eyes were half closed as she looked around the room. She saw Charley a few rows in front of her. "Hey blood whore" he shouted at her. She growled, jumped the row of desks and wrapped her hands around his throat. She tightened her grip on his neck. "Take it back" she growled. "No" he choked out. She put her knee up to his crotch. "Take it back" she said. "Okay okay I take it back" he said. "Good" she said and released his neck but still kneed him in the crotch. She calmly went back to her seat, back to her old self, not caring what someone thought about the way she acted. She sat back down and saw Christian come in. He sat a few seats away from her.

At the end of class he walked out before she could get to him. She ran down the hall trying to catch up to him. Once she caught up she stopped him. "I'll ask Dimitri if he can assign you a different Dhampir, I'm obviously not a good one. I let my emotion get in the way. I'm sorry" she said. She couldn't look him in the eyes. "I'm gonna be late for class" Christian said and pushed past her. "Okay" she said. She went to her class, the day felt long. She finally got to go to her Dhampir classes, where she found Dimitri. "I don't think I should be Christian's guardian. I'm not ready" she told Dimitri. "Follow me" Dimitri said and led her to the gym that mostly no one went into when it wasn't raining. She entered and after the door closed he swung at her, she caught his arm and kicked his feet out from under him, assuming her fighting stance. "You're ready, believe me" Dimitri said and stood up from where she had made him fall. "I wasn't holding back with that punch. All you do is train. There's more to being a guardian than protecting them from Strigoi. Look at How Rose and Vasilissa are. Rose protects Vasilissa emotionally too" Dimitri explained. Eli looked down. "Guys don't need that same sup-", "Yes they do" Dimitri cut Eli off. Eli nodded. "I'll try my best" she said. She exited the gym and started training.

Eli walked into the blood bank, as she liked to refer to it. She knew that this was the time Christian went to feed. She waited in the lobby area and when he exited she looked at him. She walked over to him. "Dimitri said that I have to protect you. I'm your Dhampir, I'm not a blood whore" she said, still unable to meet his eyes. "Follow me" he said. Eli looked confused but still followed him. He led her up to the church, the room that he liked to sit in. "I really don't want to be here" Eli said. Christian sat down. "Strigoi can't come here, now you can relax" he said. Eli shook her head and sat down across from him. "There was a place I once thought was safe, but Strigoi got in anyways" she said, the memory sent a shiver through her spine. "How many times have you encountered Strigoi" he asked. "Once up close" she said. "A little too up close" she murmured. She sat on edge of her seat, unable to look into his eyes. "Can I ask-" Christian started. "No" Eli said. "It's not something that I like to talk about" she said. "It can't be that bad. At least your parents didn't turn Strigoi" he said and leaned back in his seat. "Yeah, it's not that bad" she lied. "Are you going to the equinox dance" he asked. She shook her head. "No reason to go. A bunch of loud teens at a party, someone's gonna spike the punch or blood or whatever there's gonna be to drink. It's not gonna be fun" she said. Christian shrugged. "It might be alright, you never know" he said.

Time passed as the two sat in silence, Eli seeming more vulnerable than ever. She sat on the edge of her seat with her arms crossed around her body. "I'm sorry" Christian blurted out. Eli raised her head and have him a questioning look. "For calling you a blood whore" he said. She shrugged. "It's probably what I'll become anyways" she said. The temperature dropped throughout the night. She shivered slightly. "Why would you think that's what you'll be" Christian asked. "I'm not a good guardian. It's more than strength and fighting. It's being there for your Moroi, emotionally" she said. "And you don't think you're capable of emotion" he asked. "I'm capable of it. I don't like it. I cried for the first time in years, last night" she said. She saw the sun coming up through the window. "Come on, you don't want to be out when the sun clears the trees" she said and stood up. Christian stood up and stood close to her. He put a hand on her neck, feeling the scarring tissue. "You're not a blood whore. You didn't ask for this" he said. He stepped away. "You're right, we should go" he said.

They walked out of the church together. The sun was about to clear the trees. "Come on, let's get you inside" she said and walked with him. When they reached his door she gave him a smile. "I'm gonna go train for a little while" she said. "Aren't you supposed to be taking it easy" Christian asked. Eli shrugged. "I am-" she started but he pulled her into his room. "Just stay here for a little while, away from the outside world" he said. She let out a sigh. "I'd rather be in the outside world than stuck in this stupid vampire world" she said. "I would too, no more people turning into something to be powerful, no more people hunting down your parents" he said. Eli tensed up. "I-I have to go" she said. Her memories made her nauseated. She got to the door and started going down the hall, leaning against it, seeing the figures of her adopted parents appearing as Strigoi. "Eli-Eli" she heard her name being shouted. She clutched the wall, just wanting to make it back to her room. "Eli" she heard her voice whispered softly as an arm wrapped around her. She tried to fight back but she was pulled down. "Eli look at me" she heard. She saw Christian but he had red eyes. "Get off get off" she shouted. She tried to push him off but this wasn't like her fighting an actual Strigoi, she couldn't force her body to fight. She heard footsteps coming down the hall, a few minutes later another pair of footsteps. "Get her to the infirmary" she heard a familiar voice. She was sweating puddles and her skin was ice cold. "She's sick" someone murmured.

Eli sprung up, gasping as if she had been under water. She looked around and found herself back in the infirmary. She saw Rose and Lissa come in to see her. "What happened" Lissa asked, worry filling her eyes. "I-I don't know. One minute I'm fine, Christian and I are hanging out and then I go to leave and" she stopped when she remembered what had happened. "Christian turned Stri-" Eli let her sentence fall as she saw Christian come in. She visibly started to panic. "Eli, look at my eyes" Christian said as he rushed over to her. "I'm not Strigoi" he said in an almost stern tone. Dimitri came in to see them all standing around her. "I believe you three have classes you are supposed to be attending" Dimitri said. "But we-" Rose started. "You can see her after your classes" Dimitri said. Rose and Lissa walked out and Christian looked down. "You too" Dimitri said. Christian looked at Eli one last time, his face looked confused and hurt, but he walked away. Dimitri looked at Eli before he pulled up a chair. "When you were bit and your parents tried to kill you, something happened" Dimitri started explaining. "Abbey, the girl you thought would be your Moroi, she had the same power as Princess Vasilissa. She healed you. Rose and Lissa have a bond because Lissa healed Rose when they were in a car accident. Your Moroi died though" he explained. "Yeah I know, can we not re hash my entire past" Eli asked and he shook his head. "If she were still alive you would have that bond, but because she is dead, you are getting her memories but they are contorting themselves into your everyday life. You see people as Strigoi sometimes and other times you see your parents" he said. She let out a long sigh and tilted her head back onto her pillow. "This kind of thing hasn't happened. We had to call in scholars from all over the world to figure out what was wrong" he said and put a hand on Eli's arm. Eli and Dimitri had an odd relationship. He was sort of like a brother to her, and he knew she had no one so wanted to be there for her. He normally didn't have to be, she handled her own pretty good but there had been times in the past that she completely broke down. 

"Why did Christian look so upset" Eli asked after a long silence. "He hates the fact that you thought he was a Strigoi. I think he believes you'll be afraid of him" Dimitri explained. "But that just isn't true. He is good, he's nice, he wouldn't do something like that. I can't control what I see" Eli said and Dimitri stood up. "Well there is a way to keep you from seeing this. Kirova wants you to be put under a mild sedative. You'll still be able to walk around and stay awake but you might not be as alert as you normally would. This would just be until they can find out what to do" Dimitri explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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