Chapter 1 ↣

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"We have a 10-72 in the Fusion Bar across from West Wood."


"All units requesting back up, hostages being held inside."

I lift my head up from my usually spot, nose deep in my physics textbook. "Hostages?"


"Fusion Bar in West Wood."

"Across from West Wood, North of Main Street, and down the street from me." I repeat to myself while slamming my book shut.

I hear the police cars sirens approaching, this gives me about 5 minutes to sprint from here to the scene to get 'pictures'.

"10-29F, Marcus Lablé."

"Ooo fun, a wanted man." I say while grabbing my bag and running out my door.

I look at my watch, three minutes to time, if I take the alley on South Side, I should be able to run around to West Wood quicker, but that's the route the police will take.

While growling and muttering curses under my breath I cut into the alley and watch the police cars race past behind me, or they'll take the long route, very good for me, very bad for Marcus.

I sprint the rest of the way, seeing the buildings glow red and blue the closer I get.

Finally, I make it, but not in time, shit. I look down at my watch, two minutes past time, DAMN IT!

"Ma'am, you can't be here!" One of the blockading officers informs me.

I roll my eyes and turn around on my heel, this, this is why I should have done track, not volleyball.

But my luck isn't all gone tonight, in the corner of my eye is see a green cladded man jump from one of the roofs, into the alley I came from! YES!

I run again, reaching into my bag, ready this time. I can't miss this.

Sprinting into the alley I see- absolutely nothing.

"For fucks sake!" I snap, kicking a empty beer bottle into one of the walls. The glass shatters in different directions, satisfying me slightly.

I just needed one guy, ONE GUY! I HAD TWO SHOTS! And I blew it! I blew it completely out of the water!

I pull my phone out and quickly call the only number on my phone, Siris Richards, short for Osiris Richards.

"What's wrong Aki-"

"I had ONE JOB! One job! And I couldn't even do that!" I complain while spinning around.

"You can go again tomorrow-"

"I'm just UGH, I can't even take a damn picture of a police set up, or of the damn vigilante!"

"You need food, or alcohol, I can tell." He says this time, without me bursting out and interrupting him.

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