Chapter 10 ↣

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"My darling, thirty-one people are dead because of you, don't you feel the tinniest bit of remorse?" Osiris coos in my ears.

"You're going to pay for this!" I cry out desperately tugging on my restrains.

"No, I'm not. Maybe you will, but I won't. Because what you don't realize is that, well, these lives and yours are worthless, you are worthless. Look at how many people you killed, and for one SIMPLE thing.... Tell me where I can find the key!" He punches me and kicks me repeatedly until I'm crying in a ball.

"M-my mothers final breath to me was 'Don't do it' be-because of you..." I sputter, with some blood pouring out of my mouth from my broken nose and probably jaw.

He puts his foot on my broken ribcage, "What a waste of air." He presses down making me scream in agony.

He takes his foot off and lifts me up by my broken shoulder and turns me towards the last person, my sister.

"N-no please no." I stutter watching her cry silently. My little sister, I taught her everything. How to read, how to do a cartwheel, how to write her name in cursive. She's only 5...he can't do this! Not to her! No!

"Watch!" He pulls one more dagger out of his pocket and throws it. I watch it like time slowed down to make me suffer more. I jump forward, as if to try and catch it, but he just yanks me backwards.

It stabs her right through the heart, like all the other ones. And I couldn't do anything to stop him.

"NO!" I scream jerking around but I fall to my knees crying.

"Now...tell me where the key is, and I'll let you live." He whispers into my hair.

"N-no..." I cry.

"Fine," He says and I watch him pull out a needle, "Then I'll make sure you can never die."

My eyes burst open and I sit up normally like nothing happened.

"You fell asleep listening to Felicity explain how the new-"

"Electronic demons work yeah, I got it." I cut Roy off standing up.

"It was kind of scary, I thought you died." Felicity says turning around in her chair.

I pick up my bag and pull out some pills, "Really? Why is that?"

"You weren't moving, or making sounds, or-"

"Roy I was sleeping, and of course I wouldn't make any sounds, that would be rude." I pour some into my hand and count.

"What are those?" Roy asks curiously.

"Caffeine." I put them in my mouth and swallow a normal human being...because I'm trying that out for a change.

"Woah woah woah!" Felicity calls out moving towards me, "You will literally die!"

"No actually, these were two small tablets of pure caffeine powder, one large table of pure caffeine powder, yeah, that would kill." I laugh putting them away before she can snatch them.

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