Chapter 12 ↣

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"No! No! No! It's Lilac!" I say slightly drunken, but I'm still more sober than the other four. Except for Barry...who apparently cannot get drunk.

"Are you kidding me? It is obviously petunias!" Cisco argues, also kind of drunk.

"Cisco, Cisco, Cisco, just stop. It's not a petunia. It's a lilac." I insist making Barry laugh.

"Do you start every sentence with saying the same word three times?" He questions.

"No but, it's lilac." Cisco and I continue to bicker back and forth until the timer runs out, and it was lilac. "See! Petunia's are related to tobacco not olives."

"Then why didn't you open with that argument?" Cisco says making me roll my eyes.

"Because, it was kind of funny watching you defend you're idea." I shrug and sip more of whatever we have been drinking for the last couple of hours.

"Oh I know this one, millennium falcon." Felicity answers. A thousand year bird, very absurd.

My phone starts to buzz and I sigh before pulling it out.


"So you thought that a train ride away could solve all your problems? Well, you thought wrong. So little Kitsune, you're a fighter right? I'll give you twenty seconds before all hell breaks loose. Good bye." He hangs up and I look up and around in a panic.

"We need to get everyone out of here." I say standing up and grabbing Felicity's arm.

"Woah woah, what's happening? Who was that?" She struggles a bit against me but allows for me to drag her outside.

"It was Osiris, now run back to the hotel I'll meet up with you later." I run back inside without another word. Fire alarm, where is the fire alarm.

I run through the bar we were at, and I find it but before I pull it Barry grabs my arm.

"What the hell is-"

"A guy is trying to get to me and doesn't care who he has to kill to accomplish that. So get Cisco and Caitlin the hell out of here." I say quickly before shoving him out of my way and I pull the alarm.

And just as I do that, bullets start to rain down.

I spot one attacker, the bartender. I jump up on a table and jump over the crowd of panicking people. The guy sees me and places a nice bullet right in my side, but that doesn't stop me from beating the shit out of him.

The glasses behind me start to shatter and spray glass at me. I see the other two assailants shooting at me and other civilians.

I pull two knives out of my pocket and swiftly get up and throw them, it hits both of their guns right out of their hands, and pins them to the wall.

I slide over the bar and give them each a nice long nap to think about what the hell they just did.

"Fucking psycho ass kirā." I growl under my breath as I pull my two blades from out of the wall and I tuck them away.

Barry literally runs in here and grabs my shoulders, "Are you okay?"

"For now I'm okay because of my adrenaline levels are high, but I also got shot through my external oblique so that is a problem." I gesture to my torn and bloody side.

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