Dean x Reader

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The boys have been on a hunt for  2 weeks, you and Dean would Skype every night and text you all day long, Sam would text you and Cas would pop in every few days. Since you an Dean have been dating for a while you hated it that you won't see him for another week. It was getting kinda late so you texted Dean to check his Skype. It rang once then you see the face of your boyfriend sitting on a bed leaning against a head board, no shirt just sitting there in blue jeans only.
"Sexxxxy." You laugh.
"How's my baby girl?" He asks smiling, he glances over at you, you can tell he watching TV.
"Sad." You put on your fake puppy dog eyes and stare into your laptops camera.
"Aw I'll be home soon ok I promise." He smiles and pulls a beer out of nowhere and starts to drink and goes back to watching TV.
"Whatcha watchin?" You ask.
"Looney Tones..." He says very quietly and stares down at his beer.
"WHAT WITHOUT ME!" You play yell and giggle.
"I miss you." You interrupt his laughing at you.
"Miss you too. I wish I was there."
"What would you e doing if you where here?" You smirk knowing he'd probably be wanting sex.
"You know what I would do." He smirks and moves his laptop so it's on his legs.
"Oh do I?"
"Yea, I'd be kissing you and holding you. Maybe even-" Before Dean could finish Sam pops up out of nowhere.
"Stop. Just stop no sex talk." You see Sam lean into the picture looking Dean right in the eyes.
"Get out Sam." Dean growls at Sam.
"This is my room too." Sam says causing Dean to groan.
"Hi Sam." You smile.
"Hey (y/n). How have you been?" Sam smiles into the camera.
"Fine." You smile back before Sam gets out of the picture.
"When are you coming back?" You ask in a pouty voice.
"Well I have a suprise..." Deans voice trails off.
"I'm coming back home tomorrow."
"I wanted it to be a suprise." He smiles and his beautiful green eyes sparkle.
"I can't wait, around what time will you be home?"
"I'll be there as so as you wake up." He smiles.
"Well I'm gonna go to bed so u can see you sooner." You squeal.
"Ok night babe I love you."
"Love you too." You do your usual thing with Dean where you both kiss your cameras to pretend you actually kissing.
You practically sprint through the bunker after turning the light an laptop off to your and Deans room. You snuggle into the covers and wait for sleep to come. After a hour you finally fall asleep.
--Time skip to morning--
You feel the bed move as if something else has gotten on it. You keep your eyes shut and grab the gun slowly from under your pillow thinking a monster might be getting ready to attack you. Quickly you open your eyes and turn to where the weight is and point the gun at the figure.
"Hey!" Deans voice calms you down.
"Dean!" You squeal putting you gun down jumping on him to hug him.
"I missed you too." He laughs wrapping his strong arms around you.
You look up and he cups your cheek with his hand and lays his forehead on yours and just stares at your eyes smiling. He slowly leans in enough where his lips are brushing up against yours then he finally kisses you passionately, it sends chills down your spine.
"Hey babe I'm tired can we sleep?" He asks after the kiss.
"Yes of course."  You both lay down, you fall back to sleep cuddled up to Dean with his arms around you with him playing with your hair a little bit.

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