Chapter 7

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SORRY for short chapter, but can you guys who is reading please tell me what you think of the story? And what you like and dont like about it? I would never think that any one was going to read it! So thx so musch!

Liam said. Therese noticed how Danny's face expression changed from a question mark to surprised, his two blue eyes were almost popping out, and his yaw was tightening by the second, and his eyebrows pressing down. He delegated Therese, telling her to find Harry and ask for a spare key for the bathroom upstairs to the left. She ran as fast as she could, and didn't take long before she was back with the key.

«Here you go.»

She said, handing Danny the key. He locked the door up, I opened it and smiled emberassed while looking at Therese and Danny standing there watching us wearing only towels. I pushed Liam out, grabbed the key on the door.

«time for shower!»

I said and closed the door. It must of looked weird, but I didn't feel like facing Danny and I still needed a shower, because I was still a little muddy. Liam could shower later, or in another shower and he could explain it all to them. I took the shower, emptied the muddy tub, washed the bikini and walked straight into my room.

«Oh GOD!»

I said shocked, Therese was sitting on the bed typing on her phone.

«Did you plan to give me a heart attack?»

I said closing the door behind me, I walked over to the commode.

«You almost had a heartattack? I was almost dying before I was looking for you.»

She said. I looked at her reflection in the mirror.


I asked turning towards her.

«Dougie gave ME a heartattack.»

She said. I walked over to sit down next to her.

«What happened?»

I asked, not even imagening what had happened.

«I was inside the storage, Dougie turns up and we got locked in.»

She starts, I hated when she started short, not really giving me any details.

«Why were you in the storage? Who locked it? And why was Dougie there?»

I asked, hoping I didn't have to ask more questions. She started explaining everything that had happened, and I was in shock. I couldn't believe what she had been through, I didn't know what to say. The word I used the most under this conversation was


in different expressions. She was getting to the end of the story, and I felt like I was listening a story from a soap opera, I was so caught up in it and the end disapointed me.

«You what?»

I asked.

«I just.. walked away.. as fast as I could.»

She said, remembering the moment.

«If the door hadn't open, what would you have answered?»

I asked, realising I might know her answer. She looked at me with watering eyes.


She answered.


I asked, I was expecting a yes..

«I know, its crazy, right? Maybe is more closer to yes than no. But you should've listened to him, you should've seen his eyes. He meant it Kerly, but..»

She said standing up, giving me her back, then turning around.

«But what?»

I asked.

«I don't want to give in that easily. I don't want him to think I'm someone he can throw away and then take her in afterwards whenever he feels like it.»

She explained. It all made sense, believe me it does. And it still reminded me of a soap opera. Oh Love.

«I know what you have been through, I was there remember? But if he is the guy you want, and he just told you're the girl for him. He even gave you the speech of his stupid reasons for being a total A-hole. But.. I do understand where all of this is coming from, and if you don't want to hand yourself easily, then you have a whole week to make him show you how much you mean to him.»

I said trying to bring a smile upon her face. And there it was, her face was brighten up.

«You're right, he has a whole week to prove himself!»

She replied.

«Just remember don't to make it too hard for him though.»

I reminded her.


She answered, sitting next to me again. I walked over to the mirror and started brushing my wet hair.

«These talks always clears up my mind. I'm glad we talked about it.»

She said, lying down on the bed.

«One question though..»

I said..


«How did you guys get stuck?»

I asked.

«Apperantly Dougie did it when he slammed the door, that's what I was told while you were in the shower.»

She answers.

«But wait, how did the whole Bathroom incident happen?»

She asked, I could see her on the mirror, leaning up looking at me.

«I have no idea yet, but I have my suspicions.»

I answered, seeing the persons face in my mind.

«But who opened the door?»

I asked. She took her time to answer.


She answered.

«Of course.»

I said, holding the hairbrush tighter.

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