Puzzled Harry

232 20 15


Liam  POV

There is not a single sound being made.
There is darkness all around me.

I feel trapped in my own mind I am pretty sure I'm asleep as the last thing I remember is Harry charging into the room. I fainted- I was so frightened that I fainted at the sight of him looking at me with such anger.

I awaken after what I think is a few hours maybe even a day not sure. The bed I am in is familiar I recognize it as the bed that we share-Harry and I that is. Getting up I feel weak think I just need some food. I walk down the hallway looking left and right very cautious due to the fact that I did not see Harry I did not hear Harry either. Where is my hubby, my lover, my daddy. Making my way down stairs I let out a sigh of relief when I reach the bottom but my heart starts pounding when I see that the kitchen light is in fact on.

"Oh no please Harry don't be in there please," I whispered to myself.

I breathed in and out and built up the courage to peep around the corner. Was confused for a second till I realized my eyes were closed. I opened my left eye seeing no one so I opened my right eye quite scared because where is Harry. Better yet where's Niall. I rush out my hunger long forgotten.

"Oh my god Niall I forgot about him where is he oh no," I said as a rushed around on the bottom floor looking in all the rooms opening every door. Rushing up stairs doing the same thing even checking under the beds.

As I was checking in the guest bathroom I heard a door slam shut.
"Babe I'm home."
"My little Lima bean."
"My precious are you here."

At that moment I just shut the bathroom door climbing into the bathtub and pulling the curtain shut being quiet as can be.

I didn't meet him.
I didn't respond.
I did nothing at all.
The beating I'm in for.

As I think about the past times that he has hit me I begin to weep but I was making to much noise so I muffed it with a nearby towel.

He loves you Liam come on he won't hurt you that much this time. Nothing you can't handle nothing you never dealt with before.

"Babe," I hear as a door shuts.

"Are we playing hide and seek really not in the mood," Harry yells from down the hall.

A minute or so passes and the door to the bathroom is opened the light turns on.

'Please no' I think in my head.

"BOO," Harry screams as he pulls away the curtain.

"Ahhhh Harry no," I start crying out as he laughs.

He laughs really hard doubled over high pitched, tears in his eyes type laugh. I crouch into myself horrified. When I started shaking is when he seemed to notice me frightened of his presence.

"Liam what why are you crying what did I do. I'm sorry darling didn't mean for you to piss your pants thought we could laugh about it."

" I didn't piss my pants thank you very much," I say quietly giving him a harsh glare.

"Yeah yeah I see was just-was just a joke."

"Sure but anyway I'm ready," I cry out.

"Ready for what exactly?"

"For a punishment a slap, a kick I don't know whatever you would normally do."

He looks at me puzzled for a couple seconds and the thing that came out of his mouth next made my brain hurt in the worst way.

"I never hurt you before baby why would I start now."


So darling aye how are all of you little fishes.

Yesterday was
I PRAY FOR 6 more 😘.

But yup vote and comment it would be nice.
All the love.

Please daddy (Lirry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora