Nialls Plan

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Liams pov

Here I am laying on the couch quite frightened over Harrys actions, trying to anticipate his next move so I won't be as jumpy. Staring at him I see his beautiful face and even if he is in some terms a monster I do love him. His green eyes are staring even harder into mine almost as if trying to figure out what my next move should be.

"Alright you can decide I either ram into you take my good ole time or you can ride me like the good boy I know you are." He said it so casually but I needed some time to consider the options.i was quiet for about a minute and he spoke up again.

"Ramming into you it is then." All of a sudden I was flipped onto my stomach.

"No no no I'll ride you I'm a good boy daddy please daddy I'll do it."

Don't know why I was so startled he didn't even have his dićk out yet but any second pretty convinced he would have pushed into me. So he sat me up starting to kiss up and down my neck repeatedly. After about a minute he seemed to be getting frustrated I didn't understand why. Harry continued to do it until I released a throaty moan he seemed to smirk at that.

He's touching my body in every possible place have to admit
it feels amazing.
"Does Niall ever touch you like this baby."
"Nothing happens between us were just good friends daddy." He leaned forward really close to my ear and whispered.
"Prove it."

With that he got up and left me it was then I noticed the semi I had in my pants.
'Gosh damn it' he could of finished me off.

"Harry wait how could I prove it to you."
He turned around quite quickly and glared at me with such intensity.
"Do not address me by my name..... you know what you should be calling me. Now as for proving that you and that frog is just friends figure
it out."

Okay figure it out he says I'll figure something out.

I grab my phone and dial Niall telling him I need him to come over right this minute.
After about 10 minutes I hear a pounding on the door.

I open the door to see an angry looking leprechaun.
"Did Harry do something to you I could hurt him if you need me to, I'll do anything to protect you."

"No no it's fine, well kinda fine let me just explain what happened."
I opened the door wide for Niall he immediately walked it sitting on the couch.

'The things Daddy and I were just doing on that couch I can almost feel it mmmm.'
''Did you just moan."
I open my eyes that I didn't realize I had closed.
"What no anyway let me tell you what happened," I said shakily.

I explained to Niall and he laughed I know generally he finds everything funny but this was no joking matter.
"I'm serious ni we need to do something," I cried out.
"Fine yeah where is the big fellow anyway," he chuckled and wiped some tears away.
"Upstairs I figure."
"Okay so I have a plan you guys have a guest bedroom right?"
"Uhh yeah we do why¿"
"Come on."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs he opened two doors then he found the guest room. Closing the door behind us I heard him lock it.
"Okay so moan my name."
(Nigga huh.... Lol I'm sorry)

"What!" I breath out.
"Moan my name."
"Yeah yeah I heard you but why."
"Moan my name."

Both Niall and I jumped that was loud what was that.
I heard footsteps oh no crap crap it's Harry. Why would I ever listen to this leprechaun.
It was quiet all of a sudden we waited what felt like hours
I almost was about to open the door.
Oh my god he just threw something at the door he's going crazy. I freaked out and reached to open the door when Niall jumped on top of me.
"Nope just wait it out," he said as he stared into my eyes.
I pushed and pushed but he didn't budge. A few more hits to the door and I heard it crack I pushed Niall even harder I'm crying at this point.

The door broke open and I swear I pissed my pants. There was sweat all over my body I was shaking and just feeling so many emotions.
The second I saw Harry charge into the room I blacked out.


*Hides in corner cause been gone so long*
But um hi 😶😶
Im here and ready to work heck yeah we're getting this show back on the road darlings.
💋 Read share comment vote eh anything you want it's your choice stay hot darlings.

Please daddy (Lirry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora