Part 6

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You look around, you're now in your living room.

Castiel lets go of your hand and goes and sits on the couch, you follow him and sit down next to him.

You snuggle close and bring your legs over his.

"You know you can be a bitch" Cas says not looking at you.

"What? Is it because of the wings" you ask giggling.

"Yes it is" he turns away from you, pushes your legs off, and crosses his arms.

"Cas?" You ask.

No answer.

"Cassy" you say more nicely.

No answer.

You shrug, and move up close to him. You trail butterfly kisses along his neck and ears, he tenses up then relaxes and leans back, but still isn't facing you. You straddle him from the back and start trailing kisses along his back as well.

He shivers and so do his wings, little feathers fall from his wings. You kiss where the wings come out of the back, making him groan.

You smile and unstraddle him and walk in front of him.

"You still mad at me Castiel?" You ask fluttering your eyes.

He gets up and grabs your face and kisses you roughly, your surprised at first but you sink into the kiss.

Castiel grabs your thigh signaling you that you need to jump, you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, he places his hands under your thighs and grips it hard.

You smile into the kiss and start giggling, Cas stops kissing you and just stares at you.

"What Cassy" you ask.

He just smiles and backs up and sits on the couch, still holding on to you.

"Cas?" You push.

"Nothing bumble bee, I just like looking at you" he says staring into your eyes.

You start laughing and covering your face, you lean forward into his chest and just laugh into the crook of his neck.

"Why are you laughing, princess" he asks pulling you away from the safety of his neck.

"I don't know, I just don't think I'm pretty" you say blushing a deep red.

"Excuse me?" He asks like you offended him. "You are so beautiful, (y/n) and gorgeous... You light up a room just by smiling, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

A single tear falls from your eyes, "that was the nicest thing someone has ever said to me" you start choking up.

"(Y/n), I'm just telling the truth my love" he says cupping your chin.

He leans forward so your noses are touching, your lips brush against each other's slightly. You blush and touch your lips, he kisses you on the lips softly. You both smile into the kiss and break away for air.

You stand up and walk to the kitchen, leaving Cas sitting on the couch.

He turns on the tv and the first thing you hear is "you're my person"

You immediately shoot up, "was that Meredith, is that grey's?"

"Yes and yes"

"Yay! I'm coming don't change it!" You grab the water bottle from the fridge and run to the couch and jump on it.

Cas starts laughing as you adjust yourself on the couch.

"Excited much?" He chuckles.



You guys binge watch Grey's Anatomy for hours.

"Dude what time is it?" You ask looking outside, it's already dark.

"Holy shit it's 10" he says staring at his watch.

"Holy shit is right, no wonder I'm so tired"

"Yeah we should get to bed" he walks to the bathroom and closes the door.

You turn off the tv and all the lights in your house, you walk into Cas and your room, well I guess now it is both of your rooms.

You hear faint singing from the bathroom, you lean up close to the door so you can listen.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play, i never see you anymore, come out the door-"

You start giggling, you cover your mouth so you can hear your boyfriend singing.

Then you hear the shower turn off.

"Shit" you mutter as you sprint to bed and jump on it and cover yourself, Cas comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

Hot damn

"I totally forgot I have no clothes" he says looking down at his clothes on the ground that he's already worn.

"Uhh, I may have sweatpants that can fit you"

You get up and go into your closet, you find some sweatpants that are really loose on you and hand it to him.

He looks at them, and furrows his brow.

"You expect me to wear this?" He asks holding up pink sparkly sweatpants.

"What?" You say trying not to laugh "it's all I have"

He looks at you with a bitchface and turns and slams the bathroom door shut.

You start laughing hysterically.

Oh God I haven't laughed this much since Castiel left.

You smile at the thought that you have Castiel back and crawl into bed.

Cas comes out shirtless and in tight pink sweatpants.

You burst out laughing right as he comes in. He has his arms crossed and he looks pissed.

"Damnnnn you look sexy af" you say in your best manly voice you can do.

"I really hate you" he says crawling into bed next to you.

"I know!" You lean in and kiss his forehead.

He turns away from you to sleep, "goodnight bumble bee"

"Goodnight Angel, Oh wait!" You say.


You lean in really close so that your mouth is touching his ear.

You start singing, "it's like you've gone awaaaayyy, we used to be best buddies and now we're not I wish you would tell me whyyyyy, do you wan- Ow!"

"Why did you hit me with a pillow!" You yell/laugh.

"Stop making fun of me" he says sticking his lower lip out in a pout.

"Ughhh" you groan "I can't say no to those puppy dog eyes"

"Yay!" He says like a little girl, he turns to you and lays on your chest.

You smile and start playing with his hair, eventually you fall asleep into a deep slumber.

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