Part 7

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Cold, why is it so cold

You look to the right.

Castiel is covered in blankets leaving you blanket-less.

"Blanket hog" you whisper.

You glance at the alarm clock and back at Cas.

"Wait what?" You yell/whisper.

You grab the alarm clock, it reads 6:45 am.

"Holy crap!" You yell stubbing off the bed and into the bathroom.

Castiel shoots up, "what-what's wrong!?"

"I'm gonna be late for work!"

"You have work today?"

You pop your head out of the bathroom, "yeah I do, I have to be there by 7"

"What time is it?"


You brush your teeth and put your hair up into a messy bun, you run to the closet and grab normal clothes.

No i can't wear normal clothes because I'd have to change into my scrubs when I get to the hospital and I don't have time

You shrug and grab your dark blue scrubs and throw them on, you run back into the room and see that Cas is no longer in the bed.

You ran to the kitchen, Castiel is by the stove making something.

"Thanks Cassy!"

"Oh I'm not making you something, I'm making me breakfast"

"Wow, aren't you a gentleman" you say sarcastically.

"I'm kidding" he says coming to hug you.

"Nope!" You yell slithering out of his grasp.

He stands there his arms still out and looks at you, like you just broke his heart. You stare into his blue orbs, you sigh heavily and hug him.

He hugs you back tightly, he sets his chin on your head and just holds you.

You sit there with him closing your eyes and enjoy him being with you.

You realize that you have work and pull away from him, you run to the toaster and grab a piece of toast and your bag.

"You have to leave already?" Cas says pouting.

"Yes I do, but I have lunch at 11 you can visit" you say.

He smiles and goes to kiss you but you don't notice and you walk away to the front door and open it and start walking through.

"Hey! Are you forgetting something?" Cas asks, you check your pockets and purse.

"No, I don't think, what?" You ask confused.

He walks up to you and kisses you softly on the lips and pulls away, "this, you idjit"

"Ohhhhh" you say, you grab the collar of his shirt and kiss him harder this time.

He holds your waist and depends the kiss, you pull away.

"Dude I gotta go, stop distracting me"

Castiel x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now