Four Friends

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White clouds lazily drifted across blue skies. In the wasteland below, a city sat stranded in the sand. Though the area was lifeless, a large city could be seen stranded in the middle. A gigantic bubble surrounded it, and within that bubble there was movement. In between scorched buildings voices echoed, lifting in the skies. The hum would change to shouts only to be broken by the occasional laughter.

"You totally cheated!" A voice rose in one particular area.

It was answered by a chorus of defenses.

"You can't change racers half way through!"

"Says who?" was shot back.

"It's logical! It's cheating!"

Someone laughed.

"News flash. There are no rules."

"Actually..." Among the group of teens gathered together, one stepped forward. "Didn't you'll hear about The Creed?"

The two arguing stopped to turn and face the speaker.

"The what?" one asked.

"The Creed," someone repeated. "It was uploaded a few days ago. People say that if you don't abide then these guys called Keepers will come for you."

"Huh!" A guy scoffed as he adjusted his grip on the sleek board under one arm. "People have nothing better to do than spread rumors."

"It's true though. I saw it!"

A new argument broke out.

Not far away, a lone board hovered on the flat roof of a small house. The board hummed as it swayed back and forth. On it lay a figure, one arm with a thick silver bracelet hung down and the other, draped over his eyes. With most of his face covered, only his black hair remained to be clearly seen.

"Yo. Terrell." A shadow fell over him.

The figure on the board lifted an arm and cracked his eyes open. He was just in time to reach out and grab the carton tossed his way.

"Got you a gift." The same voice said.

Carton in hand, Terrell sat up. The board swayed but he remained firmly seated.

Before him stood two figures. The one who had tossed the carton was watching him, his eyes a dark brown that was almost black. Standing slightly behind him, with the biggest grin on his face, was another. His blue eyes twinkled mischievously as the wind tussled his auburn hair. Both of the boys wore the same kind of silver bracelet Terrell had on.

"What're you so happy about?" Terrell asked him as he snapped off the straw from the side of the carton.

The brown eyed guy shot a glance at the other. "When's Noah ever not happy about something?"

In reply, Noah's grin widened.

Terrell poked a hole through the carton and took a long sip. The flavor of strawberry exploded in his mouth. With it came a feeling of nostalgia and a wave of calmness.

"Here," a voice echoed in his memory. He could picture the delicate hand that reached toward him, a carton in hand. "It's a gift."

"Where's Ezra?" The question broke into his thoughts.

Without taking a break from his long sip, Terrell shrugged.

The guy who voiced the question scowled.

"Don't worry about him, Sven." Noah slung and arm around Sven's shoulder. "He'll be in the area somewhere." He shot a wink at Terrell who only took a moment to breathe before returning to drinking his milk.

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