Out of Control

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For once, Terrell was relieved he had enabled gravity pull. Had he not been using it, he would have crashed to the ground. At his speed, there would have been no survival.

However, even now with gravity pull, he was not out of danger as his board spun and threatened to tip. Despite the situation, Terrell kept his calm. He crouched, lowering his center of gravity.

Instead of fighting against the board, he followed the direction it chose, turning the chaotic situation into a controlled one. In a few moments, he was the one choosing the direction of flight again.

Despite the danger from before, he continued in the same direction. The other boarder zipped by. Terrell followed, hot on his tail. If he guessed correctly, then the guy in the lead would easily let him pass.

Terrell's theory was proved as a moment later, the boarder all but stepped aside, letting him shoot by. Ignoring the throb in his leg, Terrell continued. He considered slowing for a moment. For with gravity pull he gained unlimited speed but sacrificed the flexibility he was so used to. With the obstacles ahead, he wasn't sure which one would be the better suited.

Speed, his mind urged with the decision that he knew no sane boarder would choose in his situation.

Not taking the time to reconsider, Terrell sped forward. He left the other boarder behind, taking the corner at an unreasonable speed. His board scraped the edge of a wall, causing sparks to fly.

The teen saw the boxes blocking his way almost immediately. One glance told him they were piled above the height limit. There was no way around either, nor a gap.

Through, his mind told him the only option there was. Terrell didn't have to glance behind to know his rival was taking too much time going towards the same obstacle.

Scenarios of what could lay beyond ran through the Phantom's head.

The boxes are most likely empty. Otherwise they wouldn't have them in the path of their own team...which makes their purpose most likely to block my visual. He was almost upon them. From what? A corner? His mind brought up the image of the route. No. There was no corner up ahead. However, there was a statue. Hard right or left and I can avoid it. Too easy.

He put one arm out in front, shielding his face as he plummeted into the boxes. Even as they went flying in all directions, Terrell turned right. He lifted his arm ever so slightly, just in time to see what was waiting.

They had duped him, anticipating the move. There was no statue in the middle, instead, it had been moved straight into his current path while another had been put to the left. The only way through was the middle.

Terrell jerked the board to the left. True to what he had built it to be, it followed promptly. As he flew past the sculpture that he was supposed to collide with, the boarder twisted his shoulders, avoiding impact. It nicked his shoulder, tearing at his jacket. However, he made it without breaking speed.

Got to do better than that, Terrell thought wryly as he sped on. He leaned further forward and the surroundings sped by. The next corner had nothing waiting, giving him a moment to wonder if perhaps the crew had made the mistake of thinking they could get him with the first two attempts. He got his answer on the straight which followed.

A group of boarders were coming toward him. Their direction was precise and their faces showed too much determination for it to be coincidence. They were here to try and stop him.

As they took up the entire area, Terrell had no option but to go straight for them. There was no way around. Even if he did pass them, he was sure there was another trap waiting beyond.

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