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Voices droned over the music, mingling into one chaotic buzz.

What had once served as a late night bar to patrons now lived as a hangout spot for teenagers and young adults.

Leather couches were all around the dimly lit area. Blue lights gave a soft glow, contradicting the semi-loud music and laughing teens.

To one side, a group of girls were crowded around a seat. In it, sat a figure. His arm was thrown around a stunning brunette who smiled slyly at all the jealous looks the rest of the female population were shooting her.

The same brunette let out a squeal and playfully hit the chest of the figure.

"Yo!" a voice yelled over the noise.

Noah, his hair a creamy peach, pushed his way through teens to approach the crowd by the couch. Girls grudgingly parted, letting him to the front. Once there, the boy found himself facing his target. "You're late!" he accused.

Terrell's eyes briefly flickered to the boy. He raised his eyebrows before he reached for the pink drink near him.

"Meeting at three," Noah reminded.

"Ah." Terrell took a sip. "Forgot."

Noah's eyes darted to the girl who cuddled closer to Terrell. "I can see that." He cocked his head to the side. "Whose she?"

Terrell put the drink down. "Beth."

"I'm Kera!" the girl corrected.

"Sure." Terrell withdrew his arm. He got to his feet. "Sorry ladies, I gotta head out."

There were regretful sighs from all around.

Seeing Terrell was on his way, Noah headed out. Terrell followed only to pause. He turned.

"Don't miss me too much," he shot the girls a wink.

The response was giggles.

"Wait!" Kera stepped forward. "Your IHM!"

Terrell had already disappeared into the crowd, hurrying after Noah. His friend waited for him by the door.

"What happened to Dian?" the peach haired boy asked.

"Dunno." Terrell shrugged.

Noah shook his head.

The other teen pushed past. He paused by the board rack and swiped his braclet across a screen. There was a ping and a green light flashed. The phantom pulled his black board free from where it had been stored.

He turned to find Noah staring at his arm.

Terrell shot a glance at his exposed shoulder and arm. It was still red, stinging from the recent addition of black color that swirled together.

Noah raised an eyebrow. "Tattoo?"

"Hmm," was Terrell's reply.

"What's it supposed to be?"

"Well..." Terrell tossed his board to the ground. It bounced up, hovering. "I was going to get one of strawberry milk." He took one step on. "But someone once told me, if I were to do that then I might as well get random lines."

"Why's it so red?" Noah asked.

"Got it the old fashioned way," Terrell responded. He lifted the second leg after the first. "You coming?"

Noah grabbed his own board and mounted.

The two set off. They weaved in and out of other boarders, neither wavering from their path.

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