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Though all of Regona wasn't the safest since the virus, the night was certainly the most dangerous time of all. Some crews raced during the day and teenagers would hang out. However, when evening came the city sprang into full life. The lack of a sun seemed to bring a sense of adrenaline to the young population.

Teenagers with nothing to do roamed the streets, drinking, laughing, and fighting. Races were more daring with accidents happening all night long. Fires were carelessly lit as teenagers hovered around.

It was in this dark that three figures walked side by side. The middle of the three had a hoodie pulled over his head, hiding his face from teenagers that hung around left and right. Noah walked closely beside Terrell, shooting a smirk at a couple that was making out in plain view of those around them. Ezra scratched his head as he glanced around. He caught the eyes of a guy that kicked a can as he watched the three stroll by. When the guy spat in their direction, Ezra immediately changed course toward him.

Terrell's hand shot out. He grabbed Ezra by the back of his shirt and pulled him along.

"I was going to make it quick," Ezra protested.

"We're not here to cause a ruckus," Terrell replied.

"It's night. Anyone out at this time is here for a ruckus," Ezra argued.

Neither Terrell, nor Noah, replied.

"Which reminds me. Why are we searching for this dude at night again?"

They turned a corner and walked past a large crew hanging around a barrel out of which flames were shooting.

"Marcus sleeps during the day," Terrell replied.

Ezra raised an eyebrow. "All day?"

Noah winked at a group of girls lingering in the shadows. They looked unimpressed, distrusting eyes following the boys as they passed. Noah sighed at the lack of reaction.

Ezra wasn't done talking. "What is he? A bat?"

Noah cracked a grin at that. "You should ask that when you meet him."

They turned another corner and broke into a more open area. Lights burned in what was once a street filled with shopping places, bars, and restaurants. Two teenagers stumbled toward the boys. Noah and Terrell calmly side stepped as the teens kept going in a drunken stupor, bottles clutched in one hand.

Peeling laughter echoed from one of the buildings overrun with youngsters. Loud music blared from it and ore boarders kept arriving, dumping their boards outside before joining the party within.

Terrell came to a stop. "According to his bracelet, he's here somewhere."

"You sure?" Ezra glanced around at the hoard of teens running lawlessly around.

"He'd know." Noah flung and arm around Terrell. "You hacked the system to track him, right?"

Terrell didn't reply.

A boarder wobbled by, raising angry shouts as he almost crashed into teen after teen. He only made it a few more feet before he toppled off his board.

Somewhere close by a small explosion rocked the area. For a brief moment things went completely silent. Teenagers rushed from a smaller building from which smoke spewed. A second later, the noise returned as no one seemed to care.

Noah jerked a thumb in the direction of the smoke. "Found him."

Nodding, Terrell ducked form under his arm and walked toward the area others were fleeing.

"Um..." Ezra eyed the smoke.

"Right." Noah snapped his fingers. "We forgot to mention that part." He nodded to the building Terrell was rapidly approaching. "Our friend Marcus has a knack for working with chemicals." He cocked his head to the side as the teens currently exiting fell to the ground outside, coughs wracking their frames. "Unfortunately, he gets too excited and so often..." Noah put his hands together and then expanded them, "boom."

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