Don't let him catch you

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I woke up still in his arms, he was still asleep. Looking sexy as fuck, since he was Aiden, His hair was messed up from when we had our little make-out session last night, the thought made my cheeks feel hot, oh my god what is that? Am I blushing? I have never blushed before in my entire life, holy shit, I don’t like this.

I tried to move away from him, since he was so damn hot, not like in the attravtive way which he was, I mean heat was coming off his body, it was probably coming off mine in waves too, since we were werewolves, and all.

His grip on my waist tightened, I tried to wiggle out of his dead grip, but it only tightened. Instead of being on top of him, I was beside him, and his arms were wrapped around my waist.

Zhe was wearing a smirk on his face, probably having some cocky-ass dream.

“aiden you have to let me go” I muttered, and he didn’t move, an inch, he didn’t even move a centimeter.

I leaned up, as much as I could, and kissed him on his kissable lips, his eyes flew open, and e responded immediately, by unwrapping his arms from around me, and resting his hands on my hips, and climbing on top of me. i pushed on his chest, making him pull back.

“Aiden I was trying to wake you up, not have morning sex” I told him ,without actually thinking about the words that just left my stupid mouth. He smirked down at me.

“then why didn’t you just shake me awake?” he asked.

“because you had a death grip on me, and every time I fucking moved you tightened it” I told him.

“well you should have stopped moving” he told me.

“okay, can I get up now?” I asked.

“no” he told me, looking down to my boobs, his eyes light up, I guess he forgot what I was wearing, he bit his lip looking down to wear he was sitting, which was on top of my stomach, he scotted back to get the full view.

“will you stop and let me up?” I asked.

“why should i?” he asked.

“because I need to get dressed and eat food” I told him.

“that’s not a good enough reason” he whispered going back down, and crashing his lips to mine. I gave him entrance trying to soften him up, so he’d let me get up, I tangled my fingers in his hair, tugging softly, making him moan into my mouth, he pulled back and went to my neck, and I smirked, who has dominance now Alpha? I thought to myself.

“you wont be smirking after you scream my name for a few hours will you?” he asked, blowing playfully on the hickey he gave me. I growled lowly, and he licked it, teasing me. I threw my weight on him, and he gave me contro, which surprised the hell out of me, but whatevs.

I went down and crashed my lips onto his, tracing his bottom lip. He just smirked, I thrusted myself into his ‘downstairs area’, making him moan, I took this as an opportunity to plunge my tongue into his mouth, dominating the kiss. I kept thrusting my hips into him slowly, I was basically grinding on, but he was getting excited. His hands made their way to my hips and he gripped them tightly, making me grind into his ‘friend’ harder. He groaned into my mouth again. I was enjoying this, but this was just payback


“you wont be smirking after you scream my name for a few hours will you?” I asked her, I blowed on the hickey I gave her earlier. She growled making Aiden Jr stand to attention, damn she has no idea the effect she has on me. I licked it, she threw all her weight on me and I decided to roll over so she thought she was at least as strong as me, plus whats she gonna do? She crashed her lips to mine, tracing my bottom lip with her tongue, no way I was giving her dominance. Im an alpha male, im dominate.

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