Chapter 8

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Hazel's POV

As I arrive home after my date, I feel like shit. I can't believe that this happened to me. I might die. I could be fucking pregnant. With Jake's baby. What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Going to do. I need to take a test, soon. I went up to my room and hopped into the bath. I neede to relax. Good thing I finished all my homework on Friday. Good job Hazel, as soon as I got out of the shower I walked downstairs and got a glass of pepsi. I sat down on the couch and thought about Jake. God he was so perfect. I am glad he has no feelings for me because if he did I would have to keep this baby for him. I am not ready for a child. I am wishing on a star that I do not get pregnant. I slowly started to drift off to sleep and slowly I gave into my dreams.

Jake's POV

Shit. How could I do this to her. My perfect little angel. My Hazel. My daisy, my flower,my sunshine. Wait hold on. Why do I feel like this. No Jake you can't love her you just can't she is way to young for you give up Jake she doesn't love you. Well maybe she does. I sure hope so.... I have a strong feeling she doesn't have sort of feelings towards me. I mean she lost her virginity to me in the back of a car. God, How could I do this to her I just feel so bad for her poor body. She is so young and so precious. Why! I fucking hate myself. FUCK!!!!! Goddamn it Jake call her for god's sake. I dialed her number. "Hello" she said in the most adorable sleepy voice. "Hey" I said to her "It's Jake" she paused " Hey Jake... What's up" god she sounded so perfect. " Well I was wondering how you are doing" another pause. "I'm fucking GREAT!" she said "Oh." I said meekly "Okay then" I was about to hang up "Wait! Jake?" Yes she still wants to speak to me "Yeah babe?" she paused again "Do you love me?" Shit... She knew something was up. What did she want me to say. Yes? No? "Do you want me to?" I said stupidly "Um... Yes" she whispered. What????? YES! She loves me back! Oh that felt so good. She loves me my angel loves me. My precious little starlet. My perfect woman. "I love you" She giggled on th other line. "Okay" I could hear her smile. "Good" she said after a little while. "I love you too" she said with lust... "Hazel I need to see you right now" I said to her. She giggled again "Okay Jakey"

Hazel's POV

I quickly got dressed and ran out to my car. He loved me, in the beginning I was hoping he wouldn't. But now that I knot that he loves me I love him too. Sheesh Hazel what is wrong with you. Don't love him... DAMN!!! I pulled up infront of school and I spot him in his car. I open the door and hop out. He looks at me and smiles. To be honest I don't care if anyone sees me right now. I start running at him at full speed. I crash into and hug him so tightly I could kill a race of tribesmen. That is one weird ass analogy. Whatever I love him so fucking much. He is so perfect I hope he feels the same way. "God you're so perfect" he whispers into the top of my head. God can he read minds or something. I look up and spot the principal staring at us. "Fuck" I say out loud. I am screwed. I see him flip open his phone and make a call. Shit. My life is over. Jake is already on a rant about English homework. "Thanks Mr. Kimberly" I say loudly. I turn on my heel and I start to walk to my car. I turn around on last time to see the man of my dreams waving goodbye and shaking his head. I hopped in my car and broke down. This was the fucking end. But it had only just started. Damn everything.

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