Chapter 16

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Hazel's POV

Mother of mother fucking God. Jake's memory might be gone, he might not remember me in the slightest? I hop out of the bed and walk down the hall. "Which one is his room?" I demand. All the doctors look at me and point to room 117. I walk towards the room and slide the door open. He looks at me,"Hazey? What happened is everything okay? You look sad, what happened?" I look at him

"Jake you.... you remember me!" I smile

"Of course how could I forget a smaile like that?"

"Everything went well, you tried to kill yourself.... in front of me..." His expression went blank

"Hazey? What happened is everything okay? You look sad, what happened?" This time my expression went blank. Fuck. His memory just reset. All the doctors looked at me and sighed. "We did tell you what could have happened" I looked at them totally enraged. " HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT HIS MEMORY IS RESETING AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT?"

"Hazey? What happened is everything okay? You look angry, can I help you with something" I stroke his head, "No Jake, everything is fine" He smiled widely "Good" He continued to ask me the same questions every minute or so and I always responded in a positive manner. I began to leave sticky notes around the room that gave him the answers he wanted. many of them said "I'm okay, you're okay, you tried to kill yourself, I love you, smile, and your memory resets every minute. He looked at some of them and smiled. Others he would frown at and look disappointed. He looked cute when he was disappointed. One afternoon I was sitting in my chair contently waiting for our conversation to reset and he looked at me. "You look like shit" I looked at him "What did you say"

"I said you look like shit" I looked at the clock and waited a minute "What did you say"

"God Hazel are you deaf? I said you look like shit!" I smiled widely "Thanks" He looked at me in utter confusion. "That's not usually a compliment" I sighed "Right now it is the best thing you have ever said to me" He looked at me and rolled his eyes. His expression said weirdo, and I giggled until the doctors came in with interns "Jake Kimberly, Shot himself in the head in the attempt to take his life, ended up hitting his cerebrum and his memory resets every minute." He smiled "Thanks for putting it that way doc!" I giggled "He is all better!" The doctor looked at me in awe

"Him? Better?" I giggled again

"Yep he is perfect!" He smiled at me and made a kissy face. Those drugs must be really getting to him. The doctor wheeled him to take an MRI scan and I waited outside the door. The doctor came out after 5 minutes and gave me an update

"His cerebrum is completely healed, Thsi truly is a medical miracle. I don't know how this happened, but he can be discharged in a week" I smiled hugely. I probably looked like a doofus, but who cares when Jake gets to come back from the hospital. Why would I ever say I don't love him, Of course I love him. He is my true love, I know that sounds cheesy, but it really is true. I love him endlessley. I hope he never dies, ever again. I walk into his room "Hey babe" he says while smirking

"What's the smirk for" He smiled again for the fifteenth time this day

"The smirk is for you, I figured you must have missed it a little bit while I was gone"

"Hm... No, not really"

LIEEEEEEES" He laughed "I know as a fact that you missed giving me smart ass remarks when I smirked"

"Okay, but that is completely different from missing your smirk"

"I don't think so" he patted his hand next to him so I took a seat.

"I think so" This arguement lasted a couple of hours until we got to the discussion of dancing on a couch naked "I have no idea what this has to do with your smirk" I said

"I smirk when I see you dance on a couch naked" I giggled again and snorted. I instantly slapped my hand over my mouth. He raised his eyebrows at me

"Now there's something you don't hear every day" I glared at him

"Okay whatever, sometimes I snort. Big deal."

"Actually it is a big deal because it mean I get to make fun of you for something" He smiled AGAIN "I think it's kind of cute anyways" I shurgged "That makes one of us" He held his arm up and I snuggled against him "You know Hazey, I really really love you" I snuggled into him more "I love you too Jake. Even if I say otherwise, I want you to know that I really do always love you" With that comment he began to belt out Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" and I couldn't stop laughing. The doctors came in and motioned for me to get off the bed. I hopped off and watched them take his vitals. "Is he doing okay doc?" The doctor smiled at me " He is doing great, and by the sound of his voice I think he can leave tomorrow" I jumped up and down

"Jake you get to leave tomorrow" He smiled at me and continued to sing loudly. These drugs were really making him kooky "JAKE!!!!" i laughed "Stop singing" He looked hurt and began to fake cry I rolled my eyes at him "Ohhh.... suck it up" I was thrilled that Jake would be able to come home tomorrow. I did a little dance for him and sang a song that made him laugh until he held his sides. "Oh Hazey, stop I'm going to pee" I just laughed harder and hopped onto the chair "Shutup and go to bed Mr. Kimberly" he looked at me in awe "it's been awhile since I heard that" I nodded and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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