Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I packed that night and rushed off to the airport. As I arrived I felt bad for Hazel I felt bad that I was leaving her that she would be alone. My poor baby girl.

Hazel POV

I loooked at my phone. Shit. "Why" I asked "Why the fuck qould he do that to me" Goddamn it Jake I loved you and now you're fucking leaving. FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ran out out my car and drove like a mad man to the airport. I rushed inside. I looked around "JAKE" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Hazel" I heard a faint voice. "Jake is that you?" I turn around to see him there. "There you are" I cried "Babe what are you doing here?" I sobbed more " I just needed to see you before you left. "Well here I am" He purred. "Yes, here you are" I cried even harder. I stood on my tippy toes and pressed my lips onto his. I kissed him only with love, not lust. I kissed him and kissed him. I saw galaxies in my mind. Then I stopped. I stared at him and then I cried. I just cried. I hugged him harder than ever before. "Goodbye Hazey" He whispered "Goodbye Jakey" I sobbed. I could tell that he was upset to and that he was almost crying as well. "Just go" I mummured "Go" I pushed him towards the boarding area. "Just rememeber Hazey... I love you so fricking much" and with that he was gone. Gone I was without him forever. I love you Jake I will miss you... wait for me.

2 years later

"Bye Mom" I hugged my mother goodbye as she sobbed into my shoulder. "Mom!" I rolled my eyes "It's only college" That just made her cry even more. "MOM! Stop crying I can visit you all the time'' She just cried more and gave me a hug. I hopped in my range rover and drove to the airport. I grabbed all my suitcases and shit and pulled it up to the boarding area. I waited for a few hours, until the man gave me permission to board. I handed him my boarding pass and sat down in my seat. Ugh it was already hot in here. I opened my phone to see the picture of Jake... It has been 2 years since I last saw him. He said he would wait. He didn't wait. I can just tell. He was gone the moment he borded that plane. I loved him but it was worthless. I fell asleep for most of the flight. I woke up when I felt the plane touch the ground. Hello Washington D.C! I got off the plane and found the shuttle that would take me to the campus. I hopped on and waited until we arrived at George Washington University. I got off the shuttle and found my dorm room. I unpacked everything and waited to meet my roommate. To be honest I wasn't going to be in my dorm very often. My roomate's name was Sterling. She was pretty cool. But I didn't really care much about her. She told me about a little coffee shop down the road. I left the dorm and took a stroll to the coffee shop she spoke of. I walked in and the door rang. I walked up and ordered my coffee. I pulled out my credit card, and looked up to pay. Holy shit. It was Jake.

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