Big mistake

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Harry went completely numb. There was ringing in his ears and he felt like his head was about to explode. He just couldn't believe it.

He saw Liam roughly fucking Louis on Louis's bed.

Harry couldn't even process the situation. Louis. His Louis...was being fucked by another guy while he watched. Harry made a loud choking sound drawing both other boy's attentions to him.

His tears blinded his eyes as he stumbled back and he didn't see Louis harshly shove Liam off him and rush over. Louis held Harry's face in his hands hugging him tightly trying to calm the tall lad down. Harry was at least grateful that they still had their clothes on.

Louis didn't know why Harry was doing this. Him and Harry had 'broken up' even though they weren't really dating, but then again, why is Harry even reacting like this if he was the one who ended it..?

Harry pushed Louis away sending the small boy toppling to the floor. At that Liam jumped out of the bed after finishing buckling up his belt on his jeans. Liam rushed to Louis helping the small boy up.

"Why..?" Harry whispered in a broken voice.

"I..." Louis gave him a confused look, but then all of this anger started rushing through him "Wait no! I have every right to go around fucking every man in the city!" Louis stepped closer to Harry waving his hands around.

"You're the one who said 'I can't do this anymore'!! Not me!!" Louis pointed a manicured finger to his chest.

Liam stepped between both boys holding up his hands "Hold on guys cmon calm down..." Liam said trying to calm the situation, but he probably made it even more heated.

At that Harry finally became alive and stepped forward punching Liam square in the jaw, and oh it felt good. Liam toppled to the ground knocked out.

"What the fuck Harry?" Louis shrieked at the curly haired lad.

"He was only causing more problems!" Harry argued back.

"Oh my god I can't-" Louis sighed massaging his temples "why are you even here?" Louis said with an angry expression.

Harry suddenly looked nervous and his watery eyes started to water even more "I came to explain something to you...something that would've saved us...but I can see I should just forget that..." Harry said clenching his jaw.

"Wait no! You're the one who ended our thing! Why do you even care? You should be happy I'm trying to get over you! Liam is actually nice to me and is caring! You aren't half the man he is!!" Louis screamed with tears running down his face. Every sentence Louis said burned his chest. The end was a complete lie, Harry is the most amazing person in the entire world.

Harry stood with wide blurry eyes. His lip wobbled and he felt his vision starting to go black.

The last thing Harry saw and heard was Louis's concerned red tear streaked face saying "...Harry...?"


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