Momma bear

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Louis and Harry were trading food from their lunch boxes when Cara walked up shyly waving "Hey guys..."

Louis looked up smiling with a piece of cookie hanging out his mouth as he handed his celery to the green eyed boy "Oh hey babe! C'mon sit next to me!" Louis exclaimed awkwardly smiling since there was food in his mouth.

Cara moved and put her legs under the table and set her lunch box on the table. Louis, Harry, and all their friends just watched as Cara unpacked her lunch. It consisted of a salad that probably wasn't even one cup worth of lettuce, that was it. Louis gaped open mouthed.

"Is that all you're having for lunch?" Louis pried earning himself a smack on the head from Niall across the table.

Cara sheepishly smiled "I have to keep a small figure for my job...." the girl muttered ducking her head.

"Hey guys leave the poor girl alone." Ashton frowned, his Australian accent prominent "I'm Ashton." The boy said warmly smiling at a blushing Cara.

"Cara." Cara said biting her lip while opening her salad bowl.

"I already knew that." Ashton chuckled causing Cara to blush even deeper. Louis looked skeptically between the two but then shrugged. Louis then opened up his Twinkie, winking at Harry causing the green eyed boy to scoff at Louis's food innuendo.

"Here Harry," Louis said giving the treat to his boyfriend with a mischievous smile "I know how you like twinkies..."

"You've got me there." Harry shrugged taking the fatty treat and shoving it in his mouth. Louis laughed resting his head on Harry's shoulder.

Louis's smile slowly fell as he looked at Zayn's usual spot, to see the tan boy wasn't there. Zayn hadn't been sitting at their table for the last week. Knowing his best friend, if Louis is even allowed to still call him that, he's probably eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while smoking weed behind the gym.

Louis looked when up he felt Harry's arm snake around his middle and start rubbing at his tummy. Harry was smiling back fondly, Twinkie wrapper now empty. Louis smiled back assuring Harry he was fine.

"Hey Lou...I was wondering...if well....if you wanted to um...maybe you'd..." Harry scrambled blushing looking anywhere accept Louis, who's eyes were boring into him.

Louis laughed "Harry what is it?" Louis smiled raising and eyebrow.

Harry took in a deep breath and quickly exhaled before saying "Do you want to come over, to my house? To meet my mother?" Harry finally looked Louis in the eye and it was obvious he was nervous and scared.

Louis blinked. He was not expecting that.

Louis slowly smiled moving to sit on Harry's lap. Louis's legs were hanging off one side of Harry's thighs, and his arms were wrapped around Harry's neck as he stared at his lover "Harry of course I will, I'd love to."Louis finished giving Harry a quick peck on the lips.

Harry released a breath he was holding as he then kissed Louis, longer this time, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and pulling him close. The boys separated and smiled at each other but Louis looked over when he heard a loud girlish laugh. Cara was laughing at something Ashton had said and the curly haired Australian was smiling back chuckling.

Louis smiled happy that Cara was fitting in with this strange group of boys, and Ashton was finally seeming interested in other people. He was also smiling because him and Harry were making progress in their relationship.





Hey loves my mind is blown with how many reads this fic getsI honestly can't believe it. Thank you all.

Sophia xx

Also how do you thinking Louis meeting Anne is gonna go?👀

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