Chapter 1: Soon Enough

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(Y/n) pov
    I was walking through the doors of kohana high school. I went to the office to receive my schedule then I was told to wait for the student that would lead me around the school. Since it was my first day ever stepping in a school. I waited and waited then a raven-haired boy with onyx eyes and pale skin walked up to the man who gave me my schedule.
   "Where's the person I'm supposed to be showing around," he demanded coldly.
'Damn whats that guys problem?' I thought to myself.
    "Hi I guess your the knew kid since I haven't seen you around before," he sighed breaking me from my thought. 
"Hi and I guess," I said.
     The man at the desk looked at us and nodded like he was answering our question.
    "Name?" He asked.
"What?" I question.
    "What is your name?" He questioned me as we started walking.
"(Y/n)," I answered.
     "Last name?" He asked.
"My secret what about you what's your name?" I asked.
     "Sasuke Uchiha ," he asnwered.
"How old are you?" I asked him.
      "17 you?" He asked.
"16," I answered.
       "Oh so your a sophomore?" He asked.
"Well no I'm a senior," I answered sarcastically.
        "What does your schedule look like?" He asked.
   I handed him my schedule and he looked at me like is was insane.
"What?" I asked.
       "You have very advanced classes for someone your age," he stated shocked.
"And that's a bad thing?" I questioned.
         "No it just means that your in most of my classes and the ones your not in I know someone who is so you'll have someone with you in all your classes," he stated.
"Okay so what's first?" I asked because he still had my schedule and I hadn't looked at it properly yet.
        "Science with iruka-sensei," he stated.
"Okay what's your first class?" I asked.
        "Math," he stated.
"Okay so whose in that class that you know so that I can follow them to that class?"I asked him.
          "I'll introduce you his names Naruto Uzumaki," he told me.
"Alright," I said.
     I followed sasuke to a big tree where there was a bunch of kids. The one that stood out was blonde and he was being really loud.
   "SHUT UP BEFORE YOU GET THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF YOU HYUUGA!" The blonde yelled and a brown haired boy who looked a lot older than the rest.
"Naruto just sit down and quit embarrassing yourself," sasuke told the blonde when they were in hearing distance.
   "What was that teme," he said getting close to sasuke.
"Calm down dobe will you geez I need you to be quiet for a minute so I can tell you something," he said.
    "What that your gay?" The teenage boy naruto was yelling at said.
"No and you need to shut your mouth before I knock your teeth in neji," he stated coldly.
     "This is (y/n) and she has classes with me and naruto so naruto will you show her where the classes she has with you are please?" He asked the blonde-haired,blue eyes boy who looked damn sexy in what he was wearing which was an orange hoody and some skinny jeans with black converse. His hair was spiked and I just wanted to run my hand through it. No stop (y/n) bad,bad quit thinking this way you only just met him.
   "Hi I'm Naruto Uzuamaki I shall show you to your class which you have half with me half with sasuke," naruto said.
"Okay so naruto how old are you?" I asked.
      "I'm 17 and what's your phon- I mean locker number?" He asked fixing his words.
"256 yours?" I asked back.
      "258," he answered.
"Cool so we have lockers next to each other sweet," I said.
   I then got to know everybody and I figured out I was the youngest and I was right neji was the oldest. I wonder if he's gay he seems like the type to be a rainbow but I'm not judging that would be amazing having a gay best friend. Naruto was walking me to the first class and he rambled on and on about how he loved ramen and how he would happily eat ramen everyday all day if he could. I laughed silently at his obsession with ramen. We soon came to class and sat by each other we did an experiment and I had to help naruto with it because he couldn't figure out how to do it right.
      I laughed at him and noticed that I had become rather close to naruto with the little time I've been around him. Him and sauske anyway I knew sooner or later I had to tell sasuke that I was his sister but itachi made me swear not to say anything. So unless someone finds out or a teacher tells him then he won't find out. Soon enough he'll find out anyway it always happens that way.
~time skip because I'm to lazy to write all the classes~
   Naruto and sauske lead me to the cafateria and we grabbed our lunch and went to the spot we were at this morning but we were the only ones there.
    "Why are we the only ones here?" I asked them.
"Because everyone else hates to be outside," sasuke answered.
  I was currently sat in between sasuke and naruto. Sasuke was on my left and Naruto on my right.
   "Hey (y/n)," sasuke said.
"Yea," I replied.
    "Can I have your phone number?" He asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck I heard Naruto growl at his question.
"Sure I mean you are my best friend so yea sure why not gives me someone to talk to," I replied as I gave him my phone number. 
    "Hey what about me?" Naruto whined.
I chuckled at him,"yes naruto you can have my number to and your also my best friend."
     "Yay," he cheered Sasuke and I both rolled our onyx eyes.
    The bell rang and we all got up and since it was sixth period we all went to english with some dude name kakashi. We walked in class a few minutes after the late bell rang and I sat beside naruto and sasuke sat beside him on the other side. Kakashi-sensei was 10 minutes late he walked into class and said,"sorry I got lost on the path of life."
  The whole class groaned and naruto screamed,"no you didn't."
     He started teaching and after class he had me stay behind. Since I had class with naruto next he waited outside the class for me.
   "Are you related to sauske by any chance?" Kakashi, the gray haired male asked.
"Yes I'm his sister but he doesn't know so don't tell him please itachi would kill me," I stated. 
   "Okay one other question how are you and naruto getting along?" He asked.
"W-what do y-you mean?" I asked nervously as I bit the inside of my bottom lip.
    "Are y'all friends?do y'all like each other?do you have a crush on him yet?" He shot off questions.
"Yes we're friends,I would hope friends like each other and I'm not answering the last one," I stated bluntly.
    "Okay well that's all I needed iruka should be here soon you are free to go," he said obviously trying to get me to leave.
   I smirked knowing what they were probably going to do. Naruto and I walked to our 7th period and didn't pay attention at all seeing as we were talking the whole time. The final bell rang and naruto asked if I wanted him to walk me home I said sure. I texted itachi that school was over and that a friend was walking me home. He said okay.
   Naruto and I were in a deep debate about what was better hoodies or zip up jackets and we were both giving pros and cons about it when we arrived. I waved by to my new best friend and walked inside after about an hour I was done with homework and had answered itachis questions about who walked me home and what his name was. I decided to text naruto.

To: naruto
    Hey what are you doing it's (y/n) by the way incase you didn't know.
From: naruto
  Hey nothing much have you finish the home work in math yet?

To: naruto
   Yea it was fairly easy why?

From: naruto
   Can I come over because I don't understand this at all?

To: naruto
   Yea let me ask my brother

From: naruto

I went downstairs and found itachi sitting in the living room going over something.
  "Hey itachi can one of my friends come over so I can help them with homework please?" I asked sweetly and did a puppy dog face for good measure.
He looked up and saw that face he sighed me knowing he couldn't say no to that face.
"I guess is it the same boy from this afternoon?" He asked.
  I had started back up the steps to my bedroom and I yelled a yes down the stairs me and naruto lived a little of two minutes apart.

To: naruto
   You can come over

From: naruto
  Yay thanks your the best babe

To: naruto
   I know and wtf is up with the nickname

From: naruto
   Idk and I'll be there in two seconds just letting you know.

To: naruto
  Okay see you soon

From: naruto
  Okay babe see you

   Two seconds later there was a knock on my bedroom door.  I opened it to find naruto standing in front of me in a blueish hoody and gray sweatpants with his black converse but damn did he look hot. I don't know how he does it but he looks sexy in about everything he puts on.
"Umm...(y/n) can I come in?" He asked.
I blushed a deep red and said,"y-yea."
   I moved aside so he could come in and we sat down on my bed. He took off his backpack that was like a sunset orange color it was very pretty. He took out the big math textbook and I moved closer to him. We finished all the problems and he put the book up only then did I realize we were close enough that our legs were touching. I blushed a little but hoped it wasn't noticeable. He stayed a while after we finished with his homework and talked. We've done a lot of talking lately when I suddenly thought of something.
   "Why'd you get jealous when sasuke asked for my number?" I asked him.
"Umm...well do I answer a question like this umm..I don't know," he answered.
    "That's a load of bullshit and we both know it but I'll decide not to push it so anyway favorite color?" I questioned.
   It went back and forth like that for I don't know how long we finally decide to watch a movie and some how I ended up with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. My heart did this weird thing where it skipped a beat but we sat there and somehow I fell asleep and I was woken up by my bed moving. I cracked one eye open and saw naruto moving I grumbled at him and he quit moving a we both fell fast asleep good thing we live like two minutes away from each other,otherwise we'd be in trouble.

   So how was it good bad please let me know by commenting below vote or not your choice but I would appreciate the voting and comments on things like was it cute enough more cuteness more seriousness let me know by commenting below thanks for reading my book please continue reading that would be great loves to all y'all are beautiful. Author out *grows wings a flies away* I'm weird I know don't hate on it,it just means I'm special *best friend in the distance* yea ed
  Me-Oh shut up
Best friend-Nah
Me-Anyway bye now

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