Chapter 3: The Dance

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Narutos pov
     Finally the fall or Halloween dance had come. I was so nervous I was finally going to get to see (y/n) in her dress wait is so worth it when it's her. Wait what? Did I really just say that? Anyway I wonder what she's gonna look like.
   "Hello earth to naruto?" A certain (h/c) head waved her hand in front of my face and snapped.
"Huh what sorry what were you saying?" I asked.
   "I was just asking if you were going to walk me home then pick me up for the dance later or was I going to come get you?" She stated.
"I'll walk you home this afternoon and pick you up by seven-thirty if that's okay of course," I stated obviously nervous as I kept zoning out into space.
  Someone would always get my attention and as what was wrong. My mind automatically went to (y/n) because I was planning on telling her how I felt and I wanted it to be perfect. Everything had to be perfect and I had the perfect song to play. It was either going to get to be play at the dance or it was going to get played in her back yard. She had told me she had picked out two dresses one for the dance and one for my eyes only because we were going to have a small party in her back yard. I so couldn't wait I think I'll just wait for the backyard party. 
   We were walking to her house when we got there I reminded her of seven-thirty is when I would pick her up since the dance starts at eight and it takes twenty-five minutes to get to the school by us walking together because we walk so slow. We walk at snails pace I can help that we enjoy each other's company. I went home and got my black tux on with a white button up shirt and black dress shoes and black pants. I brushed my hair but somehow it always defied gravity so there was no point in it. I walked out of my room after I sprayed myself down in old spice. (If you don't like that the change it to something else I just really like old spice my boyfriend wears it he smells so goods anyway back to the story)
   I walked into the living room area and saw that it was seven so I decided that I would take a picture with my dad. He came down the stairs as if on cue. He and kakashi took turns taking pictures with me since this was my first dance. 
    After that was over I walked over to (y/n)'s house to get her and knocked on her door her brother opened it and ushered me in an we talked until seven-thirty exactly as if on cue she walked down the stairs. She looked beautiful she was more than beautiful she looked like an angel with a small little devil living in her eyes. Her brother took a picture of her when she got to the bottom of the stairs.
   We took a few pictures then we left and went to the dance. Everyone stopped to stare at her when we walked in and nobody seemed to recognize her. Kiba even walked up and asked me who she was. I just smirked and we danced some slow dances then left about nine-thirty she told me to wait for her in the backyard. I did as told and went to the back. I plugged up my phone to her speaker and waited on her and then started playing the perfect song for the perfect girl. I had two song one we would dance to and the other I would pop the question with. I played the first one which was all about us by owl city featuring he is we. We danced until the next one came on and it is talking to the moon by Bruno Mars.

   "Hey (y/n) can I ask you a serious question?" I asked her.
"Sure what is it?" She asked seriousness taking over her.
    "Do you like me as in boyfriend like me or just friend?" I asked afraid of the answer.
She started biting her lip and the inside of her cheek which she only does if she's nervous then she answered," umm...I-I don't like you naruto," she said the disappointed look had to be on my face at this point but she wasn't done," I don't like you because I-I love you I have since the first moment I saw you."
  After she said that I was so happy I asked her two more questions,"where do you see yourself in a year?"
   She blushed a dark dark red and then she started stuttering again,"umm...hopefully in junior year and hopefully with you."
   "One last question," I stated.
"Okay," she said.
    "Will you (f/n) (m/n) uchiha be my girlfriend?" I asked hoping for a yes but I got more than that.
"Oh My God,of course,naruto I can't believe it took you so long to ask," she answered.
      "I know I take forever to do things why doesn't someone just fuck me then," I said.
   She blushed again I just smirked at her. I had to have fun with it so I started being seductive and kinky. She just rolled her eyes at me and smiled she would hit my arm playfully and in return I would laugh and kiss her forehead and neck but I never gave her a hickey it was just a little light peck.  We went inside and since I had taken the liberty to bring clothes over to her house a couple days before. I changed as did she. I was in gray sweats and a white tank top also known as a wife beater but I hate that name. She was clad in a black tank top and shorts that ended about a quarter to mid-thigh.
   We got comfy since it was about eleven o'clock. She had her head on my arm and was snuggled up next to me while I had my other arm around her waist and we were almost asleep until my phone rang. She searched through my sweat pants pocket and found it she pressed the green button and put it to my ear.
I groggily answered,"hello?"
    "Naruto where the hell are you I've left you like fifty messages!" Iruka,my dad, screamed at me.
"I'm sleeping over a friends house goodbye I'll talk to you tomorrow," I said.
   She hung up and put the phone on silent and put it back into my pocket. We stared at each other and for a while gradually getting closer until we were close enough to touch. I kissed her full force and she kissed back after a few seconds we pulled away and she snuggled into my arms deeper. We fell into a deep sleep happy.

A/n: how was it does my chapters need to be long shorter what let me know by commenting below thanks so much for reading it has been the best thing for me since I can't see my friends much it sucks😖 I'm so sad but school starts soon so yay go me. I get to deal with people I don't like whoopy. Anyway keep being lovely my readers with lots of love I bid you adue bye.

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