Chapter 5: Talk To Me

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Sasuke's pov
    I've noticed recently that (y/n) has been much more withdraw than normal. I decided to be a good big brother and try to get her to talk or at least eat again. She doesn't eat or talk she just sits there and is like a robot until class she doesn't even pay attention anymore.
   "Hey," I said as I walked up to her.
She just looked at me with a blank expression.
    "What's wrong you an naruto have quit talking but now you just don't do anything your just going through the motions what's up talk to me please?" I begged.
"There's nothing to talk about," she quietly stated.
     "Yes there is now tell me please I'm begging you tell me what's going on," I said.
"Nothing," she said get tired of me trying to get her to talk.
   "Bullshit now spill," I demanded.
"No," she said raising her voice a little bit.
   "Spill!" I said getting pissed and raising my voice above hers.
"No not shove off!" She yelled.
    "No now spill!" I yelled back.
"Fuck off Sasuke's you don't care so why should I tell you!" She yelled at me.
    "Because I DO CARE NOW SPILL!" I yelled at her.
   "(Y/n) your my little sister of course I care I didn't know that itachi was going to die I'm sorry I know how much this must hurt," I said being as nice as I could because just because I'm an ass all the time doesn't mean I don't care.
"Your a dick but I love you just the same," she said between sobs.
    "I love you too now what did dobe do to break your heart?" I asked kindly.
"Well after he found out that I was your sister he told me not to contact him and he said he needed time to process it well it's been almost two or three weeks since that happened how much time does he need? He said he loved me and I thought he meant it but I guess love just isn't meant to be," she said sadly,"thanks sasuke."
    "Your welcome," I said,"now eat something or I'm going to have to force you too."
"Okay," she said while smiling lightly.
   I walked back over to our group noticing narutos stare I cleared my throat and he looked at me I gave him a look and e excused ourselves from our group.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK NARUTO!" I screamed when we were out of range for everyone to hear or see us.
   "What?" He asked confused.
"Want to fill me in on why you broke my sisters heart?" I growled angry at him I knew he was stupid but this stupid I didn't think it was possible.
    "Um...I don't know I couldn't handle it and I don't think she'll talk to me now but um...I do love her I always have ever since I saw her I just I don't know if she even loves me I doubt she'll even talk to me ever again how do I even make it up to her?" He asked.
"Go apologize first then figure out the rest," I growled again.
    "Okay okay don't bite my head off," he said.
"I have the right now go!" I sternly said.
  He walked off to her and sat down the rest is up to him to make her happy now.

Narutos pov
   I walked and sat down beside her.
"H-hey (y-y/n)," I studdered.
    "What naruto?" She asked sadly.
"Um...I don't know how to put this but um.... I'm sorry about the that night," I apologized.
    "It doesn't matter it's okay," she answered.
"No it's not okay and it does matter I should never have acted that way when I found out that you were Sasuke's sister I should have been more understanding and I shouldn't have been such a dick. I shouldn't have just ran away like that I should have stayed and waited for you to explain everything and why you didn't tell me sooner I was just scared and angry. I was afraid that you didn't actually love me and I was angry that you didn't tell me you were Sasuke's sister I'm really really truly sorry please forgive me," I apologized.
   "Really naruto it's okay I forgive you you don't have to explain anything it's fine," she said with a sad smile on her face.
"I wanna make it up to you," I bluntly stated.
     "You don't have to do that," she said havering a genuine smile on her face.
"Want to meet me in front of the park at 8," I demanded.
      "Okay why?" She said trying to contain a laugh.
"You'll find out," I said, I kissed her forehead,"oh and by the way we are still dating."
     "Says who?" She asked laughing.
"Says us," I smiled.
     "Oh okay I don't remember saying that we were dating," she mocked me.
"You wound me," I feigned mock hurt.
      "Okay whatever but yes we are still dating," she agreed.
"Okay so you'll meet me?" I asked happily the happiest I've been in about a little over a week.
       "Yes," she said.
"Alright now here eat this you need it," I said sticking a PB & J into her mouth.
   She nodded and inhaled it while laughing this is the happiest I've seen her all month.  I wonder if it was because of me but I wasn't going to ruin this moment.
   "Hey naruto," she said breaking me from my thoughts.
"Yea," I said.
    "Do you actually love me?" She asked seriously.
"Yes I do I've loved you since I saw you your my life your my everything," I answered,"why do you ask?"
     "Hm? Oh no reason," she said.
"I can feel you lying to me please tell me the truth," I begged I hate being lied to.
     "Um...w-well you s-see I-I umm.....uh my b-brother h-has a t-tumor I-in his br-brain and I-is umm... Never mind," she stuttered.  
"(Y/n) what is it?" I pressed.
"Wellmybrotherhasaterminaltumori-Inhisbrainandwilldiewithinayearorlesswithoutsurgeryandthesurgerycostsamilliondollarsandwejustcanaforrditsomeandhisboyfriendtrytomakegimascomfortableaspossiblebutitdoesntworkandsonowimworriedthathewilldiebeforeigettohaveenoughtimewithhim," she spoke in a rush.
   "Repeat slower and in english deep breaths," I said calmly she looked about ready to burst into tears she took a deep breath and started again.
  "My brother has a tumor in his brain and without surgery he will die in a year or less and me and his boyfriend make him as comfortable as possible but it doesn't always work and I'm worried that I won't get enough time with him because the surgery costs a million dollars and we can possibly afford it."
"We will find a way to get him that surgery I promise somehow we will save your brother," I said.
   "Thank you naruto," she said.
"Your welcome I'm always here for you call anytime or texted or message or whatever," I said.
    "Okay naruto I'll do that," she laughed.
   The bell rang and we walked to class hand in hand and we sat beside each other. She actually paid attention for once since this whole mess started. We got out of sixth period and went to seventh period sasuke had given me an update on her behavior so she actually had gotten her old self back in just a few minutes.
    We got to seventh and there was a man there in his early to mid twenties and (y/n) looked terrified. She walked up to the stranger with me in tow.
  "Shisui what's wrong how Onii-San?" She asked terrified.
"I took him to the hospital he started throwing up and it wouldn't stop he hasn't been able to keep anything down all day I came to get you we have to go now," he said frantically.
   "Okay," she answered.
  She turned to me and said,"I have to go."
"Go text me an update when you get a chance I love you," I said.
   "I love you too I will," she answered.
I pecked her lips and then she left without another word. I walked home by myself that afternoon and I was worried she hadn't texted me in hours I was worried about her so I decided to text her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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