Chapter 4: What The Fuck

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(Y/n) pov
    I woke up with a slight smile on my face and then started freaking out. How did naruto know my last name I haven't told him so how? I question myself. I hadn't even noticed that naruto had woken up until he kissed my nose.
   "Good morning," I said while giggling.
"Good morning beautiful sleep well?" He asked.
   I giggled even more at how sexy he looked and sounded. His hair was sticking up everywhere begging to be touched and eyes slightly open, his voice gruff and husky from sleep.
   "Naruto how did you know my name last name last night?" I asked curiously.
"I asked your brother and you talk in your sleep and you tend to talk when your thinking to hard about something too," he answered.
   "Oh, okay," I answered,"wait you haven't told sasuke yet have you."
   I was absolutely terrified right now I almost started hyperventilating as I had bolted straight up.
"No I haven't why does sasuke not need to know it's not like y'all are related," he answered propping on his elbows.
   "Actually naruto I'm his younger sister he's older than me by a year," I said as I mentally face palmed at my clueless boyfriend.
"Okay I didn't see that coming," he said getting up.
   "Yea and itachi would kill me if he found out so don't you dare tell him," I said.
"I won't tell him but if your Sasuke's sister then your telling me that your brother is the itachi sasuke always talks about!" He said yelling slightly but not enought to alert itachi of what we were talking about.
    "Yes," I answered.
"I umm...I need to go," naruto stated grabbing his clothes from last night and walking to the door. 
    "Naruto your leaving just because you found out I'm Sasuke's sister," I bluntly stated.
"No I'm leaving because you are my rivals sister I need time to process this so goodbye (y/n) oh and don't call me ever," he harshly stated.
  I flinched at the harshness in his tone and moved to go after him but when he looked back at me he had the look of hate, disappointment, regret, and apology written on his face. I stopped in my tracks I couldn't believe after everything we've been through he was leaving to 'process this information' I had no choice but to let him go. I walked back to bed seeing as I made it half way across my room before he looked at me. I laid on my bed the boy I've loved for two months finally asked me out and we finally started dating then I go and fuck everything up by telling him I'm Sasuke's sister,of course, he's not going to be with me after that why did I ever think that after he found out he would actually stay I am so fucking stupid. I had finally came out of my thoughts when I heard itachi walked pass my door, I hadn't even noticed I'd started crying. I went to youtube to put it up on my tv and listened to the only two songs I could think of and they both made me burst into tears. I couldn't believe after all of that he just leaves no I still love you,no I'm not upset this is just a lot to process give me a few days. No it can't be that easy, I get a your my rivals sister I need time to process that so good bye and don't call me.
    I noticed a shirt on my floor and it wasn't mine it had to be narutos because it was to small to be itachis. I picked it up and smelled his Cologne I loved the way it smelled. I decided to just fold it and give if back to him the next time I see him which will be never because I'm never leaving my room ever again. I laid on my bed with narutos shirt he wore last night in my hands I thought about everything that happened I started bawling again my brother had perfect timing because he walked in on me bawling my eyes out.
    "Hey (y/n),naru- what's wrong?" He asked concerned he walked over to me and sat me in his lap as I started my explanation.
"I'm sorry *sob* don't yell at me*sob* but I told naruto that sasuke was *sob* our brother and then he left and last night we started dating and itachi I love him and he said he loved me and he just left," I cried harder into my brothers chest.
    "Ssshhh it's okay I promise it's okay don't worry I'm not mad at you," he said soothingly.
"Itachi?" I said.
    "Yea?" He replied.
"Don't ever leave me okay," I said.
     "Never," he answered.
I soon fell asleep while some stray tears where still falling and itachi telling me he wasn't worth it.

Naruto was standing there looking up at the sky.
   "Naruto," I said.
"What do you want?" He snapped at me looking disgusted.
    "Naruto I..." I trailed off not knowing what to say.
"Just go away your being a annoying," he said.
     "I'm sorry,"I said.
  The scene changed and I saw itachi with a suitcase in hand walking away from me.
"Itachi where are you going?" I asked.
    "Somewhere your not around so you can have the house to yourself from now on," he stated.
"You said you wouldn't leave me," I cried.
     "I lied and you believed me so easily so I'm a lair now aren't I?" He said menacingly.
   The scene changed again and I saw two grave stones. One was for naruto the other was for itachi. I started crying as hard as physically possible.
  Narutos said 'a boy with a dream loved by all who knew him. Best friend, and son those who loved him will not let his memory die.'
  Itachis said 'brother, best friend and true love. His memory will never be forgotten he will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew him.'
  I sat beside them and cried I cried and cried.
  "You said you'd never leave me you promised me you lied to me!" I screamed at itachis grave.
"I loved you and you left me why did you leave I loved you why!" I cried while screaming.

I was suddenly shaken and I bolted up only to see itachi by my bedside. I started crying again his voice was reassuring that he was real and I was laid down while he laid down beside me I hugged him and wouldn't let him go, I fell asleep again.

Itachis pov
   I was jerked awake by (y/n) screaming her head off. I ran to her bedroom and saw that she was asleep I went to her bed sat down and woke her up. She bolted up right and started crying I laid us down. She ended up falling asleep with a very tight hold on me. I was going to kick narutos ass for making her so upset. She gave her heart to him and he broke it. I was going to rip off his dick and feed it to him. I took off my hoody and laid it beside her so she wouldn't freak out it didn't help I had to go back to her room about five different times that night. I let her stay home from school since she didn't get a lot of sleep that night it was like three hours of peaceful sleep then bam she'd start screaming again and this wasn't any normal high pitched girl scream this was a very deep emotional blood-curdling in pain scream. It was still kind of high it wasn't like a man scream but you could hear her pain in that one scream.

(Y/n) pov
    I went to school after a couple of days later. Everyone questioned me and I just told them I was sick they left me alone as I told them I didn't want to be around people. I avoided my locker ever other class period and just told the teacher I didn't have my books with me. I ended up with my head down in a seat near the window away from naruto when I had class with him. I didn't talk to sasuke I ignored him most of the day.
    I finally got home after I waited an hour after the bell had rang signaling we could go home I listened music and ended up crying sitting under a tree in the school yard. I trudged home and eventually it started raining while I was walking home.
~a week later~ 
  Our teachers gave us our weekly reports on our grades which mine have started to slip. Since I don't do my homework and I don't pay attention in class I still pass all the tests with flying colors though so they haven't slipped to badly there mostly b's and c's now so it's pretty good. I just haven't been the same since naruto quit talking to me he was like my sun and now it was gone, I'm like dark without a light.
    I had quit talking to people even sasuke began to notice my absence. I ended up telling him and his answer was 'what the fuck why didn't you tell me sooner' I just didn't answer and just walked away after that I wouldn't mutter a word to anyone as they all asked me why I was like this. They kind of guessed why I was though I didn't care though I wasn't trying to hide anything anyway. There was just nothing worth living for I mean I had itachi and I was a little better at home considering that itachi always knew how to force a smile out of me. Now it didn't always work I recently found out that itachi was dating shisui I told them I was happy for them. I mostly stayed in my room until we had to take itachi to the doctor. We found out that he had a terminal tumor in his brain and that the surgery needed was nearly 5 million dollars shisui broke down when we heard the doctor say terminal tumor. I also didn't know how we would pay for the surgery.
    The doctor gave him a year without the surgery. I broke down bawling I hugged itachi I knew that he was sick but I never suspected it could be a tumor and if it wasn't removed then he would die. I didn't realize it but itachi didn't want the surgery. He wanted to just live his life without worrying about a surgery or bills. Shisui and I made sure he was comfy and I just hoped that the year lasted longer than I knew it would. I needed as much time with him as possible.

A/n: sorry it got sad don't cry please. Anyway was it good or bad something had to happen and naruto had to at some point be a guy and guys are dicks whether you believe it or not. Anyway loves to all comment on it as questions of your confused about something I'll be happy to answer  it so anyway my readers I'm out bye. <3

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