Chapter 2: What Is Love?

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(Y/n) pov
   I woke up at about 6:30ish cause we live a good fifteen minutes by foot. The only difference this morning is that I woke up to something touching me. I cracked an eye open and saw a hand around my waist I opened both eyes and saw naruto sound asleep. I tried to get up but he held me down.
   "Naruto," I said softly in a type of sing song voice he didn't budge.
    "Naruto," I said more serious he still didn't budge. I tried moving again I almost made it out but he pulled me back to him and mumbled in his sleep. God what was he dreaming about crushing me to death.
    "Naruto," i said almost screaming no movement. By now I was really starting to get pissed off so I did the only thing I could do I got right next to his ears and screamed,"NARUTO UZUMAKI I'M MAKING RAMEN DO YOU WANT SOME!"
   He say straight up and yelled yes. I giggled at him he looked at me and then frowned.
   "That was mean," he whined while sticking out his bottom lip.
"Are you five now?" I asked looking at the sexy beast known as naruto.
    "No and did you know you just called me a sexy beast?" He asked.
'Shit I said that out loud fuck me' I thought.
     "I would but we don't have time and you should really learn not to think out loud and so I have to decline your offer," he laughed while I blushed hard.
"Not funny naruto," I scolded glaring at him.
     "I'm sorry I had to the opportunity was out there and did you know you look so cute when you blush," he said.
I blushed even more and he smirked. 'Just you wait naruto uzumaki this is going to come back and bite you in the ass' I thought.
     "I'm sure it is meanwhile I shall be leaving and I'll come by later to walk you to school so don't leave without me," he said as he left.
   'I've got to learn not to talk aloud what I think' I thought to myself then continued to get dressed.
   I was ready in under fifteen minutes and so I walked downstairs and started to leave when itachi suddenly stopped me.
   "What is it itachi?" I asked.
" you like naruto?"
    "What do you mean do I like him of course I like him he's my best friend," I said bluntly.
"I mean do you like him as more than just a friend as in love do you love him are you falling for naruto?" He asked me.
   I had to think about that for a minute did I love naruto I don't think I know what love is I decided to ask.
"What's love?" I asked bluntly.
     "Um...well it's like your whole world is not complete without that one person. It's like when you miss someone you miss that one person more and it hurts a lot more than it would someone your not in love with. When you touch it's something magical it's like nothing you've ever experienced before. When you see them or here there name your face gets brighter like if you talk about them your face lights up like the Fourth of July. That's the best I can explain it so go think about it," he explained.
"Okay onii-San I will love you see you later," I said as I walked out the door all I heard was a simple bye.
    I started walking down the side walk when I heard my name being called by a certain blonde haired boy. I slowed down so he could catch up he finally caught up to me a little out if breath and today he sported a stretchable nike shirt that showed off his muscles which weren't much but I did notice the faint six pack of muscles he had. I felt like I was going to faint he looked at me worriedly as I was redder than red I was a very,very deep shade of red. I started walking so he followed lagging behind so he could check out my ass and I knew it but I didn't really care because I knew know matter what I did or said some teenage boy was going to check out my ass and I'd rather it be naruto than any other guy like neji or kiba. That just be a little weird the schools fall dance was coming up and I had nobody to take it was either I take sasuke or naruto and I was not going to ask either so I decided to just go alone since it was like two months till Halloween I decided to go dress shopping.
      I found a couple of dresses and since this was a masquerade we needed a mask so I ended up with a dress that was absolutely perfect it framed me well and fluffed out a little to much for my liking but it was exactly what I wanted so I got it I had toot was perfect. It was black with orange stripes and the stripes kind of swirled all the way to the floor it was covered in a thin layer of lace and the lace came up so it made it look like I had a strap it was a sweetheart neckline but you would swear that it was a one strap dress. It had matching high heels that were black with bows on the top of the shoe even though you wouldn't be able to see my shoes without me pulling up the dress which I had to do when walking up steps because of how long it was. The mask was black and had lace type stuff that one side it went up while on the other side it went down shaping my face. I looked absolutely stunning I couldn't wait for the dance I was going to be absolutely stunning. The other. Dress was white it was a off shoulder kind of thing it had no lace what-so-ever. It had beads going down in little patterns all the way to the floor since both dresses are to the floor the dress had a matching pair of flats and it was not a fluffy dress it was a straight dress that hugged me in all the right places I love it I would were this one after we got back from the dance.
    I soon got a note in my locker a week before the dance since I've been in school a whole two months and it was October the dance was a week away and I still didn't have anyone to go with. The note said and I quote 'meet me after school by the tree where you hang with all your friends -anonymous.'
"Well that's more than a little creepy," I mumbled out loud but I gathered my books and left for my last period. After that was over in walked I the tree and waited about ten minutes I saw a blonde headed male walk up to me he was a very familiar blonde haired male.
  "I didn't think you'd actually come," the blonde said since he had his hood over his face from his hoody I couldn't see who it was.
"Who are you?" I asked.
     "I am going to be your date to the fall dance," he replied.
"Says who I don't even know you," I sternly told the boy.
    "Yes you do you know exactly who I am think about it I have my hair where you can see it on purpose," he stated.
"Naruto," I said surprised.
   He pulled the hood down where I could see his face. I gave him a glare while he gave me an apologetic look.
      "What the hell you gave me a freaking heart attack!" I whisper yelled.
"Sorry I thought I was gonna be mysterious," he said.
       "You were being a creep so why send a note to my locker instead of just asking me to meet you?" I asked.
"I wanted it to just be us here without sasuke knowing," he answered.
        "Why would you care if sasuke knows that I'm here?" I asked confused.
"You don't see it do you?" He asked.
        "See what?" I questioned.
"Isn't it obvious sasuke likes you as in like likes you," he answered.
         "Oh that's a little gross but umm....okay so why did you want to see me?" I asked after I got over my almost gagging at the thought of my brother liking me.
"W-will y-you go to the d-dance with me?" He asks nervously.
     I was so overjoyed and stunned, I was overjoyed because I had the hugest crush on him but he won't ever know that and I was stunned because I figured he would ask hinata. They seemed to have a crush on each other or I figured he would've asked sasuke by now but I was brought back to reality by naruto snapping his fingers in front of me.
     "Huh? Sorry I zoned sorry," I said.
"It's fine come on I'll walk you home," he said with a disappointed look on his face. 
      "Naruto I still haven't given you my answer," I bluntly stated his eyes held a sliver of hope,"yes of course I'll go to the dance with you."
   I hugged him as he hugged me back and since I had like tackled him. He was pressed up against the tree with me in his arms considering I had jumped slightly. He put me down and we walked home hand in hand we walked through the door and went up to my bedroom since tomorrow was Saturday we did what little homework we had mostly math and english. He called his dad and told him he'd be spending the night at his friends house so he wouldn't be home tonight.
    We watched Netflix and then we watched YouTube which we had somehow put on the tv and so we listened to music.  Most of the night we ended up watching soul eater and bleach for the rest of the time we ended up falling asleep with my head on his chest and his arm around me. Some point during the night I had moved so my leg was draped over his leg and he had moved to make me more comfortable. Then we fell back asleep and didn't wake back up.

A/n: so this was a longer chapter so how did you like it good or bad thumbs up or down let me know in the comments below. Love to all my readers. Thanks for reading so far. Vote if you want to anyway bye.

Sasuke's little sister (modern Naruto Uzumaki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now