Forbidden Love (Part 11)

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"Don't worry, I ll get us out of this" the man said, inspecting the glass and seeing if their was a weak point. Keres knew she couldn't break it, she would need the tool Tyson used to get her out. But he ran off with it. Keres thought hard, but was interrupted by Luke grabbing her arm while wearing gloves and shoved her against the glass. He pressed his hand flat on her back and pressed a button on a device he had, as the man in the glassed cage glared. The glass remained in its shape but turned soft and gooey. Keres eyes widened but was soon pushed through and thrown inside. Her father caught her as he pressed the button again, the glass turning hard again. Luke laughed historically as he walked away. The man stood up as well as Keres. "Keres are you alright?" the man asked, checking his daughter for injuries. Keres sighed and looked down "that escalated quickly" she said sadly. "Alright, let's get this party started" Luke said clapping his hands once and sounding happy. Keres glared at him the whole time. "What are you going to do.." "That's for me to know, and for you to find out" Luke said with a grin. "Keres how do we get out of this" her father demanded. Keres stood there and stared at Luke in defeat "we don't..."

"Let the fun begin" Luke said with a smug grin, then pressed a button from his device and vents from the floor rose. Red smoke arose and filled the glassed cage to the point were seeing Keres and her father wasn't an option. Keres and her father coughed violently, coughing and hacking. Until eventually both collapsed on their knees. The smoke started to fade and Keres turned her head to see her father was already on his back, coughing and wheezing. She wheezed as she fell onto her stomach and laid their weakly. Then, black smoke streamed out of their mouths casually, that arising up. Keres did not know what they went into but she was too weak to lift her head. The last thing she saw was Luke coming up to the glass laughing like a total manic and having a very proud look on his face, before her vision blurred, and went completely black.

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