Forbidden Love (Part 6)

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Part 6

Percy was up and packing things already, accidentally waking Tyson. Tyson sleepily walked into the living room in his boxers and white wife beater, rubbing his eyes. "Percy what are you doing?" Tyson asked tiredly. He saw Grover there and already knew it was bad news. "D-Don't worry about it Ty go back to sleep" Percy said not even looking at him, zipping up his book bag and throwing it over his shoulder, one strapping it. He didn't want to alarm Tyson, because Tyson is scary when he is pissed, and imagine Tyson knowing about the situation. "I am going to worry about it because you're packing, and Grover is here..something is going on. Percy..tell me.." Tyson's voice sounded stern and serious. Percy now had no choice. Percy turned and looked at Tyson, taking a deep breath. "Luke kidnapped Keres..he used magic to get her out of bed and "sleep walk" to him.,.he has plans for her Tyson..terrible ones.." Percy said, closing one eye and stepping back a bit, preparing for the worst. Tyson stood there, staring at Percy for about five minutes then turned around and went back into his room without saying a word. Percy sighed and looked at Grover. In a few minutes Anabeth came and they were almost headed out the door. "Wait!" Tyson said. They turned and looked at him. Tyson was dressed and looked pissed. "I'm going with you.."

Keres woke up and she was in a place she didn't recognize. It was dark and cold. She felt herself lying down so she sat up, and looked around. It was pitch black and she could not see two inches in front of her face. She stood up slowly, her legs wobbling and moved forward slowly. "H-Hello?" she called out, walking slowly. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as if cold. She received no reply but then the lights turned on at the same time. They were bright and Keres threw her hand over her eyes. She found herself in a glass box, as if imprisoned. Keres' eyes widened and she went up to the glass wall. She pressed her hand against it and tried to look beyond. The light only shined in the glass prison, beyond that was dark. Her eyes squinted but then jumped when a hand from out side of the wall pressed against hers. She gasped and gazed upon Luke. Luke smiled. "Sorry love, but this is the only place i could keep you" he said sweetly, trying to be convincing. Keres glared at him. "Why am i in here..please let me out" she said, her voice cracking a bit "I don't want to be here" "Trust me, with the plans i have for you, you ll be thinking me darling" Luke said, removing his hand and walking around her glass box. "I cannot let you out because you will touch us all and we will die. I cant risk that" Luke explained, putting his hands behind his back. Keres walked with him, walking around in a circle. "What do you want with me.." she asked, her body shaking from fear and coldness. "Its simple really. Guess who will be knocking at my front door once they know i have you" he asked, grinning. "...Tyson?" she asked, looking at him with a slight glare. His face dropped a bit, looking at her. "Seriously? Come on, think bigger!" Luke said, raising his hands in the air happily. She sat there for a minute then realized, her eyes widened and she stopped. "" she said, her voice shaky. "Luke yes" Luke said smiling, coming to a halt in front of her "big old daddy will come to save his little girl. And when he does, we have a little present for him." "...And what is that?" Keres said, looking at him. Luke's grin grew bigger. "We're taking your powers...we're putting the gods and goddess, out of business."

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