Forbidden Love ( Part 15 )

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Keres walked fearlessly to the heart of the storm. Luke. Luke was causing destruction and chaos left and right. His back was to her and she came up behind him, 5 feet away.

"Luke" she shouted over everything. Her voice echoed through the night.

He instantly stopped, turned and looked at her. He smiled.

"Babe, your just in time for the finale" he said happily, walking to her with open arms.

"Sorry to rain on your parade Luke, but there will be no finale" Keres coldly replied.

"Oooh. So bitter love. Why so grumpy" Luke jokingly said, getting closer.

"Because, I will not let you. I ll stop you before you can hurt someone else" Keres responded.

"So you'll die for the people who hate you?! Called you names!? Rejected you in so many ways and made you feel like crap?!" Luke shouted, people that were hiding poked their heads out to see what will happen.

Keres stood their for a moment. Remembering all the things everyone has done to her. Nothing but bad things. Keres clenched her fist and looked up at him. He is now an inch away from her. She looked at him, dead in the eye and said


Luke laughed mischievously and shook his head.

"You poor thing. Your passion will be the death of you" he grabbed her neck as tightly as he could. But Keres didn't fight back.

"Any last words love?!" Luke demanded as he squeezed harder.

"Yes.." Keres managed to say.

"And what would that be?!"

"Who knows death..more then I do" Keres said, then she grabbed a bright light from her pocket and shoved it down his throat. He screamed and let her go, her falling onto the floor and coughing.

He screamed as he grabbed his throat. His eyes and his mouth glowed.

"What did you do?!" Luke demanded. His voice sounding like two people talking at once and saying the same thing. He looked over at her and stumbled to her. She scooted back but he was to close and he grabbed her neck, lifting her up.

"What did you do?!" he screamed.

Keres' eyes widened as he used her own power against her. The veins in her neck turning black. She could feel the coldness and death rushing through her veins. She tried to answer but she choked up. He threw her to the side and he screamed louder as he grabbed his head. The glow grew then a loud sound bursted threw the entire area. Luke collapsed and didn't move.

People started to come out of hiding and gather around the two. Luke instantly sprang up and looked around.

"Get away!" Luke shouted and he threw his hand up but nothing came out. Powerless.

Two men appeared behind him. Luke turned and looked at them.

"Who are you?!" He demanded.

The men looked at each other, nodded then grabbed Luke's arms.

"The gods and goddesses want to speak with you" one of the men said, then they shot straight up into the sky.

Tyson came running to Keres, screaming her name. He dropped to his knees next to her and pulled her on his lap. Keres was wheezing and twitching as her veins grew darker. His eyes watered as he stared down at her. His hand lightly touched her hair and down her face. His hand shook.

"Keres.. This is what I was talking about" Tyson said, he voice cracked like he was about to cry.

As soon as Tyson knew it, a tear fell from his eye and landed on Keres' cheek. People gathered around the two. Forming a circle. Annabeth, Percy and Grover included.

Keres looked up at Tyson. Her lips getting darker, her skin getting lighter. She stared at him.

"T-Tyson..I'm sorry..and I didn't even say..I-I love you..tyson..I-i love you" Keres struggled to say.

Then she exhaled and her eyes looked away. She didn't blink or move her eyes. She didn't even inhale anymore.

Tyson stared down at her. His lip trembled.

"K-K-Keres... Keres?"

Tyson receives no reply in anyway. Tyson's voice cracked completely.

"Keres open your eyes, I'm not ready for you to go! please open your eyes!" Tyson started to cry full on, shaking Keres.

"Keres please!" he continues to shake Keres and sobbed. He holds Keres to his chest.

"Please Keres I don't want you to go. I'm not ready for you to go, don't leave me oh god please don't leave me" Tyson begged.

Keres is still lifeless and cold.

"Your lying..Your just playing... Haha jokes over...please wake up" Tyson breaks down, pressing his ear to Keres chest and hears no heart beat.

Tyson wrapped his arms around Keres like a pillow. Keres' upper body bending backwards a bit because of the angle. Tyson sits there and cries.

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