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Auditions, auditions, auditions ... and all Simon does is complain.
"You sound like a bag full of squashed cats."
His sarcastic remarks never really fail to amuse, but I must feel sorry for the contestants. I mean, some of them are a bit full of themselves ... but most of them are really sweet people.
Another problem: Louis is so intrigued by Simon's ways that the two of them have become like a team. The team of sarcastic remarks and rude laughing while somebody else is trying to sing.
At least I have Dannii. She's the only one of us who is actually really calm and down to earth.

"Cheryl, are you finished soon?"
Oh no, that's Louis calling me for the auditions. We're in an arena today. That should be so much more exciting than that little audition room.
Strangely enough, he is the only one waiting for me when I walk into the main backstage area.
"Where's Simon?"
Louis shakes his head "In hair and makeup."
Dannii isn't joining us today, so Simon is the only one we'll have to wait for.
"Why did you call me then?" I raise my eyebrows at him and he shrugs "I was bored."
"Well I totally understand that."
"Understand what?"
I hate it when Simon creeps up to me like that from behind.
"Louis got bored because you took ages in hair and makeup," I tilt my head at him "but is the diva ready now?"

Auditions. Like I said before: There are those beautiful auditions, which make you very optimistic about this whole show ... and then there are those weird auditions, that make you want to jump out of the nearest window.
One young lady has all of our attention as soon as she enters the stage though.
I don't know what it is about her, but something about her is very intriguing and beautiful.
She is quite tall, with long ginger curls and sparkling eyes and her clothes are ... well ... wacky. High, bulky brown boots, skinny jeans and a jumper that's at least 2 sizes too big for her.
"Hi, what's your name?"
"Janet Waverly." The smile she flashes me leaves me lost for words for a moment, but Louis comes to my rescue.
"How old are you?"
"I'm 25."
"You look like 16."
"Louis!" I laugh "And what are you going to sing for us, Janet?"
"I will always love you."
What a difficult song. She will either master or ruin it. But I just smile at her "Whenever you're ready."

My jaw drops when she opens her mouth to sing. What a beautiful voice, maybe even the best I've heard in two seasons.
As I manage to tear my eyes away from her for a moment, I steal a glance at Simon. He seems transfixed by her. I've never seen him like this before.
Once the song ends, the crowd goes wild.
"Thank you." Janet breathes into the microphone. She doesn't seem like she has a big ego or anything. She just looks like a nice girl.
Obviously, Simon is still in Lala-Land so I take the privilege of starting.
"Wow. What a beautiful voice you have. And not just that: You also have the looks. I find you absolutely gorgeous, Janet."
"I totally agree." Louis nods eagerly "You are by far the best contestant we have had this season."
"Simon?" I carefully lay a hand on his shoulder.
He looks utterly confused "What ...? I - yes - I agree with them."
I'm 100% sure didn't even notice what we said.
"I think we should vote. Louis?"
Louis gives Janet a massive grin and a thumbs up sign "100% yes."
"Definitely a yes, Janet."
I can see her hands trembling slightly on the microphone, as she looks expectantly at Simon.
He nods "You have three yeses."
"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" she squeals of joy, before she rushes off-stage.
"What a sweet girl, hm, Simon?" I grin and nudge his shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He looks at me as if I were from another planet.
It seems like Louis is on my side with this one though.
"Come on," he teases Simon "we all noticed how mind-blown you were."
"Mind-blown indeed." Simon mumbles.
That looked a little more than 'mind-blown' to me ... but here is not the right place nor is it the right time to discuss this.

Later on in the dressing rooms I catch Simon just staring into nothing.
"Are you feelin' alright?" He does worry me.
"I'm fine. What about you, Cheryl?"
Not convincing. Not convincing at all.
"I'm great." I sit down next to him at one of the tables in the large room "Just thinkin' about all the people we watched today. Janet was amazin', wasn't she?"
"She was." There it is again - that dreamy look that is definitely not Simon Cowell.
"What did you prefer? Her looks or her singing?" Was that too much? He stares at me with a questioning look "What are you implying?"
"N-nothin'. I just ... forget it." I mumble, feeling the colour rush into my cheeks.
Simon gets up from his chair and looks down at me "If you want to tell me something, Cheryl, go ahead. I'm not that fond of all the girly drama and competition."
That leaves me speechless. He really thinks I was trying to flirt or find out if he liked her more than me? Honestly, I don't care who he stares at. I was just trying to make conversation ... Wasn't I?

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