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Bootcamp is fun. For the most part. The contestants get to know each other and learn how to handle spontaneous situations.
Also Louis and I just noticed that the catering is amazing. But now to 24 hours of waiting, while the contestants prepare for tomorrow.

"Have you tried that cake there, Cheryl?" Louis' mouth is still full, as he points to the buffet table. But I'm unable to move "Louis, I'm so full I can't even stand on me' own two feet."
"Suit yourself."
Dannii enters the room, looking rather puzzled "Have any of you seen Simon?"
"No." I sit up in my chair "Why?"
She shrugs and takes herself a plate "Just wondering. Now, anything you can recommend?"
While Louis starts rambling on about the food, I realize there's something odd going on.
Not only Simon has seemed to be disappeared, also Janet. The group she should be rehearsing with was looking for her when I met them a few hours ago.
"Guys," I stand up from the table and walk to the door "I'm goin' for a walk."
"Take it easy, after all you've eaten." Louis giggles. Dannii playfully punches his arm "Don't be so rude!"
Chuckling to myself, I make my way down the corridor.
I wonder where Simon went. Not that he would've told me anyway. After our little disagreement in the auditions he barely ever spoke to me.

Just a few minutes after I left the catering area, I run into Janet's group again.
"Have you found her yet?"
"No. And we need to rehearse!" Lily, a solo artist from Manchester, groans "You haven't come across her, by chance?"
"No, I'm sorry. Have you girls seen Simon?"
They shake their heads. Internally sighing, I try to give them a reassuring smile "Good luck finding Janet."
"Thanks." With that, they rush off.

On the stage, the roadies are having the time of their lives, checking the microphones in weird ways and making funny sounds through them.
For some time I just watch them from the side, but I soon get noticed.
"Can we help you?" one of the men asks me.
I play with my necklace while replying "I'm lookin' for Simon ... or Janet - for that matter. Have you seen either of them?"
More head-shaking.
Oh god.

Deciding that I give up, I return to the backstage area, grab my stuff and call it a day.
I know most of the contestants won't get any sleep tonight, but that doesn't mean I can't get some rest.
"See you tomorrow." Louis calls after me.

As I return the next day, Simon is already in hair and makeup.
"Where were you yesterday? I looked for you everywhere." I tell him quietly, taking the seat next to his.
He looks confused, but grins at me "I was in the building all the time. You must've missed me."
"Yeah, I must have."

Bootcamp is actually not much different from auditions. There is a big audience watching and we have to cut 200 acts down to 50 and then cut that to 24, which is proven to be quite the hard job.
Some of the groups blow us away, while others are just ... eh.
The most interesting performance - the one I had been looking forward to all night - belongs to Janet's group.
I actually gasp, when she starts singing her part. There is nothing left of that beautiful, strong voice. Or maybe she's just nervous?
The others also seem quite shocked. Except - which surprises me a lot - for Simon. Like with Janet's first performance he just seems zoned out.

"What do you say?" Louis sighs, as we stick our heads together to make a decision.
"I remember a completely different Janet." Dannii's eyes are still big of shock "She was completely flat."
I agree "Not one right note."
"Oh, come on. She wasn't that bad." Simon protests.
"What's wrong with you?" I snap, not being able to hold it back any longer "She was terrible."
"Give her a chance!"
Louis nods "Let's give her another shot."

"Okay, girls." Dannii looks at them all with a broad smile "You did a great job, all of you. Though, Janet, you seemed a little unconcentrated."
"Nerves." the young woman blushes madly.
"Try to work on that." I nod "You're all through to the next round."
While they scream and run off-stage, I glance at Simon. Something very odd is going on.

I tell Dannii what I think after the show.
"You know what?" she laughs and lays a hand on my shoulder "You sound, like you're jealous."
"I'm not! Trust me." I roll my eyes at her, but she just keeps chuckling "If I were you, I'd just let it be. You're probably imagining it."
She kisses my cheek "See you, Cheryl."
"Bye ..."

Before I leave the building, I go back to the stage. I lost my necklace somewhere back there.
As I find it, perched carefully onto a box of wires - the stage-hands are just too nice - I also notice something else. Two people, seeming to be hiding behind some larger boxes and equipment.
Slowly and as quietly as possible on high heels, I creep towards the boxes and peek around the edge, immediately pulling my head back, when I notice who I'm looking at.
It's none other than Simon and Janet.

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