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I can't believe my eyes.
I know where Janet and Simon were and why she got distracted from singing - they were seeing each other all the time. And now they are actually making out behind some boxes of equipment ... backstage! How unprofessional can things get?
Maybe I should just take my things and leave - forget about all of this, manage my group and return for the live shows as if nothing has happened. But I can't. I know that Janet will win if Simon keeps himself blinded like this.
I'll have to tell Louis and Dannii, I'm sure they'll be able to help me.

Without looking where I'm stepping while I try to make an escape, my left heel gets caught in a cable and I tumble to the ground, painfully landing in an open box and pulling equipment down with me as I go.
"Ahh, no. - Ouch." I groan, whilst trying to climb out and get to my feet.
"Oh look," I hear Simon's chuckling "we've caught ourselves a ... Cheryl. Need a hand?"
Janet looks concerned "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." I unwillingly grab Simon's hand and drag myself out of the box "But you are in - oh my god, me' ankle - ouuch -" Simon helps me to sit down on another box.
"You are in trouble. Both of you." I snap at them through gritted teeth "You of all people know the consequences of things like this, Simon! What were you thinkin'?!"
"I ...- I just ... -" Janet stutters, unable to find the right words.
"You were makin' out with a judge! On the property of the competition! Backstage! Are you barkin' mad?!" I yell at her "We could disqualify you at once!"
Now she looks seriously scared "No, please! This means everything to me! I'm sorry!"
"Janet," Simon sighs "I think it would be best if you left for now ... "
The contestant nods and quickly leaves us alone, careful not to trip over anything herself.
I stare daggers at Simon "Well? What's that all about?!" This is one massive disaster "You know the rules!"
"Look, I - I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I can't help loving her though, can I?" he looks a bit lost and sits down next to me.
"You could've at least waited for the competition to end ..." Glumly, I stare at my slowly swelling ankle.
"Cheryl, I was going crazy. I couldn't have waited for weeks."
"You could've thrown her out today."
"Cheryl." He sounds exasperated again, as if I were a child and he was telling me off.
I feel tears pricking at the back of my eyes. But why?
"I'm supposed to keep it a secret now, hm?" I mumble.
"Could you? Please?" I have never seen Simon like this before. Maybe he really is in love with Janet.
"I - I can try, but I'm not sure I can ... I'll try.' I can't hold the tears back any longer "But will you talk to me again?"
"I will." He carefully lifts my chin up with the tips of his fingers "Don't cry. You don't have to do it if you don't think you can."
I'm confused at myself. Why am I crying like a baby? My foot doesn't hurt that much ... and it can't be because of Simon and Janet.
I feel my chin trembling as I speak "I can. That's not ...- It's just me' ankle that hurts a lot. I was wearin' the wrong shoes to spy." A lame answer, but it makes Simon smile "Something tells me you weren't here to spy in the first place though."
I shake my head "I was lookin' for my necklace ..."
"Did you find it?"
"The roadies must've found it. It was right over there." I explain to him.
He nods "That's good. Now do you want me to give you a hand?"
Like a total gentleman, Simon takes my bag and helps me stand up, not even waiting for an answer.

The way to the car park takes us a lot longer than usual. My left shoe in one hand, I hold onto Simon with the other.
"I could carry you. There's no one here who'd see us." he offers.
"You're already carryin' me' bag." I chuckle, while I hop along on one foot. It must look hilarious.
As we reach a flight of steps, Simon stops walking.
I look at him expectantly "And now?"
He grins "Watch out."
A short scream of laughter escapes me, when he suddenly lifts me off my feet.
It's somehow comforting, how he has his arms slung around me, and even as we reach the bottom of the stairs and I try to walk on my own again, he keeps one arm around my waist.

"You think you can walk again? Already?" Simon watches me with a pessimistic expression, as I try to walk next to him.
But as soon as my left foot touches the ground, I yelp in pain and have to hold onto him again.
He leads me to the parking lots, where my driver is already waiting. He even helps me into the backseat.
"Thank you ..." I smile at him gratefully.
Simon lays his hand on mine for a moment "I'll see you, alright? Take care."
Even as the door slams shut and we drive away, I can't stop smiling.
But then I think of Janet and my expression darkens. I promised not to tell anyone what I saw. But what I still don't know is; Will this relationship continue or will he wait for the competition to end?
At least I do know that I'll tell my designer to stop picking those retched high heels for my outfits.

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