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We've all just returned back to London and the first live show is airing tonight.
I really wonder what Simon and Janet were up to, seeing that Simon mentored the Girls.
Speaking of the devil, Janet is just walking towards me in one of the backstage corridors.
"Nervous?" I smile at her.
"A little ... Simon is a very good mentor, so I'm feeling quite prepared."
Is he indeed "Just watch out and concentrate." I nod, before turning a corner and opening the door to the judges' room.

Dannii and Louis are discussing something at one of the tables, while Simon is standing at a window - staring outside.
"Beautiful view, isn't it?" I walk over to stand next to him. He snaps out of his daydream "Oh, hello Cheryl. How's your foot doing?"
"Much better, thanks." I laugh "How was your mentorin'? Janet told me you did a great job."
"It was ... challenging." Simon sighs, but then his eyes dart at me "Wait. You spoke to Janet?"
I tilt my head. Why did I know he wouldn't wait? "Is there somethin' I should know?"
"I'd rather not discuss it here."
"Fine. Let's go somewhere else then." I put my hands on my hips, keeping eye contact with him.
Simon rolls his eyes at me "Later, Cheryl."
"After the show?"

I decide to leave him alone again and join the other two at the table.
"Did he send you off too?" Louis looks at me sympathetically.
"Send me off? No, I just left him alone because he's in a bad mood." I frown.
Dannii snorts "To say the least. I asked him how the mentoring went and he told me it's none of my business. Speaking of 'nice colleagues'."
"Come on, Dannii. Maybe he's havin' a hard time with somethin'." I sigh and Louis nods in agreement "It sure looks like it."

The show goes pretty normal, except for Simon's behaviour while Janet is performing of course. That nobody else seems to notice it ... And I really don't get him. If he loves her so much he can't wait for the competition to end before they get together, why doesn't he just throw her out? She won't win with that lack of concentration - that's for sure.

It's quite late, when I get back to the dressing rooms. Louis and Dannii have already left and so have most of the staff.
The catering area is empty, hair and makeup tables are deserted, while the rooms are barely lit by a few lamps.
A few bumps and the shouting of the roadies can be heard from the stage. I chuckle quietly Those guys.
"Cheryl," a surprised-looking Simon walks out of his dressing room "you're still here? I thought you left with Dannii and Louis."
I shrug "I had a little chat with some of the contestants and their families - lovely people. What about you?" I sit down at a table and take off my shoes "Why are you still here?"
"Just ... hanging around."
I sceptically raise an eyebrow "What about we have that little talk we spoke about before the show?"
Simon sighs in annoyance and pulls up a chair next to me "What would you like me to tell you?"
"How was the mentorin'?"
I have to start slowly, before I get to the question I really intend to ask.
He starts to talk about the contestants' weaknesses and their strengths, telling me how proud he was of each one of them.
"Have you also told them that?" I laugh, though I already know the answer.
"No ...?"
"Why did I know you'd say that?" I giggle and nudge his arm.
He gently pushes my hand away "Why do I have the feeling you want to know something completely different than how the mentoring went?" He looks me straight in the eye, making me blush uncomfortably "I just ... uh ..."
"Cheryl. Just ask."
I sigh. Alright. "Did somethin' happen between you and Janet?"
I could slap myself. Why did I ask? Why can't I just keep my hands out of this?
"Simon ...?" I feel myself tensing in nervousness.
He just puts his head in his hands and stares at the table.
Oh my ... More than just 'something' must've happened.
I bite my lip "Why ...?"
"Because I love her, god damnit!"
I flinch at his reaction "I didn't mean to -"
"I know you didn't." he immediately cuts me off "I'm sorry."
"You know it's wrong, don't you?" I continue, softening my tone as I hear some roadies in the corridor.
Simon shakes his head "Of course I do. I just can't help it. Every time I try to keep my distance, she comes at me."
What an excuse. "Then tell her to stop."
"You've been in love, Cheryl. You know how it feels."
I nod. Of course I do "But I've also had my heart bein' broken couple of times."
Simon grits his teeth in frustration "I know, I know. ... Can't you help me?"
"With what?" He wants my help. He must really be in trouble ...
"Keeping away from Janet without breaking her heart? You seem like someone who knows how to do things like that." He grins at me - a little sheepishly.
Do I indeed ...
"Alright. But none of this goes to the press." Now it's my turn to look him in the eye. He nods in agreement "You can't teach me how to act in front of live cameras while you're at it?"

A/n: I'm going camping for two nights now so next update will probably be on Wednesday :)

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