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I have been watching over Simon like a hawk for the past days. Rehearsals, interviews - even walks around the arena, I was there.
My behaviour obviously didn't go unnoticed by Janet though and she doesn't seem to want to notice how much her live performance has improved since she can't stalk Simon anymore.

Also Dannii noticed our plan and as I just step into our backstage area, she pounces on me "Can I ask you something?"
"Anythin'." I shrug.
She looks quite excited "Why are you always with Simon? Is there something going on?"
"What?" I must've heard that wrong "No. We just like hangin' around together. That's all."
I grin at Dannii while she seems quite disappointed "Sorry to destroy your hopes."

It's Saturday afternoon - live show night - so I normally spend my time walking around the complex, causing trouble with the roadies - all that good stuff, but today I run into Janet behind the stage. Just there, where I had caught her and Simon a few weeks ago.
"We meet again." she frowns.
I nod "So we do. Can I help you?"
"Actually, I was hoping to catch you back here ..."
Why here? Why does she want to speak to me?
Oh, right ... Simon.
I casually sit down on the edge of a cable box and look at her "Go ahead."
"I've noticed" she starts, playing with a strap on her jacket "that you've been spending a lot of time with Simon."
"So what?" I raise an eyebrow.
"That kind of stopped my chances of spending time with him, you get me?" Janet suddenly sounds a little ... weird. Sneaky and snobbish ... and evil, in a way.
"Your relationship is against the rules of this competition. So you should probably just wait until it ends anyway." I shrug.
Daring, she takes a step towards me "You know what I think, Ms Cole?" She empathises those last two words dramatically "I think you're jealous."
"Jealous?" I snort of laughter "I'm a happy single, darlin'."
"You're always on the hunt for a man, admit it." she snarls "You keep them for a few months - then drop them for someone better."
"You seem to know me better than me'self." I retort sarcastically "But you better keep your hands out of other people's business."
"You slut." Janet laughs "You're nothing more than a doll in your producer's game. Do everything for the money, you can't even sing, you try to be over-cute. No, I see right through you. You're false."
I bite my lip "What's your problem?"
"You're my problem. Let me spend time with my boyfriend." She purrs and takes another step closer.
"You're boyfriend? Aren't you a little young to say that?" I take a step back, not wanting to get too close to her.
She smirks "Scared, slut?"
"Move off" I snap.
"I can ruin your career like this," she snaps her fingers in front of my face fiercly "trust me. Anyone would believe me if I told them you harassed me backstage, accusing me of an illegal relationship and so on."
I know she's right. Damnit.
"Now I'm going to look for Simon and you're going to keep out of it, understood?" With that, the young woman turns on her heel and struts away. How I wish for her heel to get caught in a wire.
But it doesn't happen.

I sigh and take the way backstage again, hoping that Simon knows what's right, but internally knowing he'll ignore it.

My dressing room is actually really nice. Small, with a comfortable chair by a large window with a view over London.
I sit down at the makeup table and stare at my reflection in the mirror.
Janet is right, I'm not more than a doll. Maybe even a slut. Maybe even jealous. Maybe even in love with Simon Cowell.
I don't know anything anymore and just bury my head in my hands.
I'm not crying. Just sitting there in silence.

After god knows how long of me sitting there like that, Dannii knocks at the door "Cheryl? Are you alright?"
I don't answer. I don't want to do the show - I don't want to see Janet.
Dannii mumbles something under her breath, then I hear her footsteps as she walks away again.
But soon someone else knocks at the door again.
It's Simon, but I stay silent.
'You know I won't leave before you at least told me what's going on."
"Fine," I mumble, just loud enough for him to hear "come in ..."

"Cheryl ..." His voice is full of worry, as he steps into the room.
I don't look up, but quietly ask "Did you see Janet?"
"Did you ... do it again?" I bite my lip, holding back tears that are pricking at my eyes.
"No ... But she talked about you. What happened?" Simon kneels down next to my chair and takes my hands. Cute, actually ...
"She just - ... She - she threatened destroyin' me' career ... Said it'd be an easy thing to do - called me a slut, a ...- a doll in the music business ...-" The words only leave my mouth in stutters, as I keep trying to hold my composure.
Simon stares at me in disbelief "And you believed her?"
I just nod, tears now running down my cheeks, smudging my mascara and falling into the collar of my dress.
"She - she's right though, isn't she ...?" I sob into the fabric of his shirt as he pulls me into a tight hug.
"She didn't think before speaking. Cheryl, you're talented - a performer. You're further than she'll ever come." His hands gently trail through my hair and over my back. A comforting feeling, but I don't let go of him.
Simon lays his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye "And you're no slut." he says confidently, wiping the tears from my cheeks "I don't like sluts - but I do like you, right? Now let's get you into hair and makeup before the show starts."
I smile at him gratefully, hugging him one last time before walking out of the room.

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