The First Day

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          "Hurry up Kazuya, dad's waiting for you!" I called.
          "Hold on!" he said, annoyed at my constant reminding. My older brother was always the last one to leave the house whenever it was time to go to school. I'm supposed to be the younger one yet I'm more responsible and know how to manage my time. I waited in the car as I watched Kazuya quickly put his shoes on and run to the car. Then we were finally on our way to school. It was the first day of school and I'm gonna be a first-year at Sakurada High School.
I hate wearing skirts, but it's the school uniform so I don't have a choice...
          This morning I made sure that my hair looked good. I didn't wanna look bad on the first day of high school. Having long hair could be a problem sometimes, especially when the wind blows your hair into your face. I was kind of a perfectionist when it came to how I looked, so it always took me a while to get ready. Even after taking so much time, my hair still doesn't look as good as all the other girls. Sometimes I wonder how they get their hair to be so perfect.
          When we arrived at the school, we got out of the car and we went to look around. Then my dad left to go to work. I walked to where the entrance ceremony was being held. I sat down in my seat as some more students walked in. Then the ceremony began. It was really boring, but I had to deal with it. After the ceremony, all the students went to their homeroom. I didn't have trouble finding mine.
So class 1-3... I hope Tamaki's in my class
          Tamaki is my friend from junior high. She wasn't the closest friend I had, but since my other friends were busy hanging out with their friends, at the moment I guess she was. I slid open the door to the classroom. There were students talking to each other, not paying attention to me walking in. I didn't know any of them.
I guess she's not in my class...
          I sat down in my seat as I watched the teacher walk in. She introduced herself and then took attendance. Afterwards, I had science. We didn't do much though. Later on, it was lunch time. I didn't know who to sit with so I sat down with my friend Chinami and her group of friends who I knew as well. I didn't really talk to them since I wouldn't know what to talk about. I wasn't the type to talk much unless I was comfortable with them. I was socially awkward and it sometimes makes me wonder how I have so many friends. I have never tried to make friends myself. They just came to me.
          My school day ended without me really making any new friends. I didn't realize that my life would change the next day....

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